TITLE: Dinner Party EPISODE: 2 I begged my mind not to think - TopicsExpress


TITLE: Dinner Party EPISODE: 2 I begged my mind not to think of it but it disobeyed.Apparently i had to get a date and all compasses pointed to mary! I was going on a dinner date with a nun,damn! Anyways beggers cant be chosers so i had to stick with what i got.My mind-ranting of marys sense of dressing had made me ignore one minute detail which now stood Unclad before me.How was i going to ask her out? I could only thing of a way to do it;text messaging.I checked the time on my clock.It said 9pm,good!She must have slept,i thought.Better to send it right away and when she wakes up the following day,she wouldnt want to disappoint me as i purposely clearly stated that the party was the next day and she was the only one i had in mind. Just as i dropped my phone after sending the text,i heard p-squares danger;my ring tone.Jeez! It was mary calling.What now? I seriously did not know what came over me,i wasnt suppose to pick the call but i did anyways and i almost regretted it.I was dumb-founded the moment i heard marys angelic voice(if only her dressing could be more like her voice). I managed to say hi and asked how she was doing.Funny she didnt mention a word about my text message which made me wondeq if she got it in the first placd.We talked for a while and i expected her to bring it up until she ended the call.The taunting thoughts came rushing to me once more;i was going dateless. Just as i dropped frustratingly on my frustrating- looking chair,i heard the tone again: omo see danger;it was mary calling again. whats your problem john? mary bellowed as i placed the phone on my ear. i beg your pardon?. She didnt sounding like the girl i just spoke with. you just behaved so chickenyshe blurted.i got your text and called you then you made me look like an .you know what?goodbye! she hung up who was this girl and what had she done with mary?she was merely a friend.I know we were close but i never imagined she could get pissed for something of this tiny magnitude.I made up my mind that i wasnt going to call back but i waited on my phone expectiog her to call and she did call. Am sorry were the first words i heard as i placed the receiver on my ear.I remained mute and i think i taunted her a little but she continued.i just got so excited that you finally asked me out finally? Dear God! and so when you didnt mention anything about it in the first call,i felt terrible thinking you were toying with me.she paused like she remembered a very important detail.were you?she asked with her voice sounding as serious as my mechanics prof. I cleared my throat like an equal professor,cross ed my legs from where i sat even if she couldnt see me am sure she felt it,then i began my million dollar speech;more like a letter. Dear mary,am sorrry you thought am that kind of guy.I sent you the text with full intention of wanting to go out with with you but somewhere along the line,i lost my nerves.I must have been so parochial not to have noticed the effect my stunt would have on you and despite the fact that i cant replay the whole event in a more pleasand manner,i do apologize.As for you,you called me chickeny and beleive me,i felt like a chicken at that point.she let out a loud laugh But thats beside the point.it was an unfair statement.I chose to forgive you though,but at a price.You dont owe me an apology;thats way too cheap.What you owe me is a date.Mary,will you be my date to the party? WATCHOUT FOR THE FINAL EPISODE
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 07:29:27 +0000

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