TO: OUR NEW FOUNDING FATHERS, OR TEA PARTY MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, : TO THE WATCHDOGS of Government PLEASE RENT or buy The Purge A movie about a government shutdown in AMERICA THIS MOVIE WOKE ME UP TO A FACT: A government shutdown and a debt ceiling are nothing to play with, and the U.S. House of Representatives have abused their powers under the constitution. This was a “completely unnecessary shutdown that damages our economy,” said Obama .Congress has wasted 24 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money and created a debt. Therefore, we the people must demand judicial Review. Congress must tell American voters, must tell essential and non- essential employees, and must tell the military how this shutdown insures domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity The president has a sworn duty to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. He must act now, or he must be seen as a weak President. In short, congress must fix the Congressional Dysfunction in the house to earn the people trust, or the people, the President, and the press must demand judical review of the Tea Parties conduct and their use of the shutdown. This should be the first order of business for Congress and the President. These Tea Party members think they are above the law. We have a dysfunctional government that needs to be fixed. Please, take this opportunity and fix it. Rent the movie. In the movie, the black man was a homeless man and a victim of racial profiling, but what if ? You replace that black man in the movie with another victim of racial and religious profiling, today . . . lets say for this movie, we pick . . . Obama, when he was living in Chicago working as a community organizer and working on his law degree. He wants stronger campaign finance laws, health care for America, and racial and religious profiling legislation, but the Tea party is trying to Purge him for being a black community leader that could become president some day. . In this Obama horror movie, Ted Cruz shoots Mike Lee on door steps, Sarah Palin is the ax lady paid to keep conflict going, Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Tea Party, and they are joined by other very rich Tea Party members wearing their mask. yidio/the-purge I would love to hear President Obama , or Big Eddie of MSNBC comments about the movie.. A NIGHTMARE IN CONGRESS First, under the guise of U. S. Congressmen, our new founding fathers, The Tea Party, violated their oath of office, and used essential and nonessential employees, the military, and the U.S. Constitution as tools to shut down the government, to disrespect the President, and to extort the office of the U. S President. At the same time, they threaten members of Congress with primary candidates if they do not vote their way, and they purge voters’ rolls across America. I did not speak out because I did not vote or work for government. I was not engaging in governmental politics, and I did not know about the government take over inside congress, nor did I know America had become a dysfunctional government. The Tea Party, swept quickly to take away health care benefits for lower and middle class Americans and senior citizens. WHY? To reduce cost for the wealthy and reduce corporate taxes for the very rich. I did not speak up because I was not sick or living in poverty. Then the Tea Party, came after the military death benefits. Of course, I was sad and mad, but I did not speak up because I was not in the military, nor did I get veteran benefits. Then they came after those that have paid 6.2 % of their earning into Social Security and they called it The Entitlement Cutting Grand Bargain. Before the ink was dry, the Tea Party did away with Welfare, Medicare, Education grants and food stamps. Knowing these programs represent a safety net in America for many veterans that help make the 46 MILLION poor Americans. I did not speak out because I was scared. I could not understand how my government was taking money from the disabled, and I could not understand why they call Social Security an entitlement . . . I did not speak out. I did not want my wife or myself to become another government target like Mr. Frank Wills, and I did not want to live the rest of my life in poverty and die. Our New Founding Fathers acting under the guise of working for congress continue to violate their oath of office under the constitution, and threaten members of their own party with primary candidates. Not only to push their on agenda to destroy the office of a sitting President, but The Tea party was pushing their hidden agenda to destroy the U. S. Constitution and our way of life. I did not speak up because I was scared, and I told my self this was a dream or maybe another version of a Halloween movie called the Purge . . . Then they came for me, and 57,000 voters in Virginia, Gov. Bob McDonnell and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli These Tea party members, purge voters’ rolls because they could get away with it and because President Obama won two terms in office . . . they rig the system so Cuccinelli did not have to give up his job as Attorney General before running for Gov. Can anyone see a conflict of interest? I looked to my right and looked too, my left. I wanted someone to help me. I got on my computer and smart phone, I called Fox news Help, HELP ...---... And there was no one left to speak for me and the other voters. You must see the movie The PURGE AND COMMENT imdb/video/imdb/vi1893967385/ Greetings All essential and non- essential Federal employees, I want you to know. You are not the first victims to be Purged by our New Founding Fathers. Also, called the Tea party. After the Tea Party shocking conduct and total disrespect for the office of president in front of the White House, after using veterans, military, and federal employees as a tool to shutdown government, The Tea party movement has become a national embarrassment that congress must fix. Before the shutdown the Tea Party victims were voters, The Tea party elite has purged voters in Virginia, and in Florida, they created voter ID laws. In short, they are purging voters nationwide. President Obama and the Senate must defend the U.S. Constitution, majority rule, and protect the office of the President from this right wing take over of government by the Tea Party Group. This is a call to take action. The system is broken, and it must be repaired. We the People must stand up together and call for a Judicial Review of the Tea party conduct as members of congress. After furloughing employees and after the shutdown of government, how can voters trust our government to deal with issues of employment, jobs to rebuild America, poverty and homeless veterans across America. When history reveals truth about the disrespect and open racism directed at Obama by members of congress. Yet, he is standing strong, and he is protecting and preserving the U. S. Constitution. As president, he represents the majority, and he is the one person that we the people put trust. However, It must be said. Obama, is also the most disrespected President in our history. For example, the finger in the face, “foreign” or ”alien “ Sarah Palin , he is the Antichrist. At Tea Party Rally, they shout water board Obama, New Founding Fathers in congress still likes too, use the birthe fiasco, or that he is a Muslims. We need racial and religious profiling laws. Next, We have to agree that government can’t keep stressing government families with shutdown after shutdown. As one American to another, I want to thank you for your service to our country and government. My family understands your pain, and we want to mourn for you. THE PRESIDENT SHOULD LOWER THE FLAG AT THE WHITE HOUSE UNTIL THE SHUT DOWN IS OVER, GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COME BACK TO WORK, AND CONGRESS FOCUS ON CREATING JOBS, FOCUS ON POVERTY, AND FOCUS ON THE ECONOMY. FURLOUGHED IN A MAN-MADE CRISIS Department of Education Furloughed 3,983 , Small Business Administration Furloughed 2,187, Department of Commerce Furloughed 40,232 Department of Interior Furloughed 58,765, Department of Justice Furloughed 18,186, Department of the Treasury Furloughed 90,000, Department of Veterans Affairs Furloughed 14,224, Department of Labor Furloughed 13,350, Department of Energy Furloughed 8,471 Department of Housing and Urban Development Furloughed 8,360, NASA Furloughed 17,701 I wonder how many of these furloughed employees are essential employees to their families? __________________________________________________________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Congress cares nothing about JOBS, WORKING AMERICA, OR THAT POVERTY HAS REACHED 42 MILLION IN AMERICA, BUT THEY DO CARE ABOUT GETTING THEIR PAYCHECK AND HUGE CAMPAIGN DONATIONS. THE MEDIA AND THE PRESIDENT NEED TO TAKE THE FIGHT FOR A CLEAN CONTINUING RESOLUTION TO THE GOVERNORS AND THE STATES THAT THE TEA PARTY MEMBERS REPRESENT. Those making under $250,000 a year, the middle class and the lower class in America should wake up. This shutdown and furlough demonstrate how congress feels about jobs in America , unemployment in America , and how they will used the middle class, lower class, and even the military and the poor as a tool to reach their hidden objectives. In fact, the shutdown demonstrates how out of touch congress is with the economy, jobs , unemployment ,and poverty in America. They have abridged the rights of workers and the rights of voters. T0: Our Military, State and Federal employees need to work together as one system for the good of all. After 911, We need Congress to pass a bill that gives only the President and Senate the power to shut the government down during war time,. The military and the government need these government workers, and they should protect them. They should not be abuse by our government a 3rd time. Michael Jackson , said it best, they dont give a dam about us. PLEASE COMMENT Reality Television 101 I love this great country more than I love myself, and I know many government employees, and many in the military here in Virginia that love it too. As a nation, we need to call on the office of President to put a war time bill before congress. We must have laws to protect our military, federal and state employees from an abuse of power by government officials. Our system of government is broken and exposed like Pee wee Herman in a dark theater, for the world see. The evidence and the facts show us that these hostage-takers also tried too used a new health law as a tool to take over our government and destroy our constitution. We cant wait till 2014 to fix the Tea Party problem in congress. We must demand that congress and the President fix this problem, now. We must petition the president and members of congress for judicial review now. The president has a duty to protect and preserve the U. S. Constitution from this type of take over of our government by the Tea Party. The question that we must ask, will the President do it? We have another branch of government the Supreme Court, and President Obama needs to file an abuse of power charge, conspiracy, and corruption charge with the Supreme Court to protect the Constitution from this take over. The authors of this hostile take over are Ted Cruz and Mike Lee who need to go to jail. Ted Cruz needs to be put out of the senate for violating his oath of office. President Obama must not reward them. We must have a clean continuing resolution for a year and clean a debt ceiling to insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Voters must read the oath of the presidents. Voters must understand why president can’t talk to these so-called Tea party Americans? Look at the oath of the office of President. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Mr. President THIS IS A REAL HOSTAGE CRISIS, you must treat them like real bank robbers, and you must protect the office of the President from this type of hostile take over. You must not let this scandal weaken your office. Do not talk to them until they give you a clean continuing resolution and release all federal hostages. , and we go back to majority rule in the house. File in court to have their powers over the purse taken away from them and move to the Senate. They have abused their power and have shown themselves not to be responsible. Tell them to go talk to hand because you will be talking to the governors that were affected by the shutdown. It is time to clean house. Start with my governor. Please, come to Virginia Navy Ship Yards, and NASA Langley and talk to hostages. In fact, travel around the state and talk to as many hostages in Virginia as you can. You need to put faces to these victims. Until all hostages are release, you can’t talk to them. This is not a dam game. They must pay a cost . . . voters, federal and state employees, our military, along with the U.S. Constitution demands it. REMEMBER that song, They Smile in your face these low down back stabbers, and they show only the evil that lurks in their hearts. Start this movie the song money because these people dont represent the majority in America. To Hollywood: Hollywood needs to sign Steven Spielberg as producer and director now! Get the great Denzel Hayes Washington to play president and get my good friend Stevie Wonders to write music. Of course, I want some rights to any movie. The name of this movie could be The Great GOP BANK ROBBERY, or The Take Over of The Federal Government by a minority party, The Purge, or Above the LAW. I promise you that this movie will be bigger than Watergate break in movies, and I PROMISE YOU Nixons abuse of power was nothing, NOTHING compared next to what these guys have been up too. In short, these guys shut the government down over a law that was passed by The Supreme Court, and they broke into the bank, took innocent federal employees, they purge voters across the U.S... At the same time, they took the government of the UNITED States hostage. Why? Because they could expect to get away with this crime, because they think all voters are dumb, and we cant understand that they shut the government down, because they could not get their way under majority rule, and because they really hate this African American President that the people trust more than them. It is clear that they want to shut his presidency down and ruin his legacy. Now, look at the oath that each member of congress has taken, they solemnly swear (or affirm) that they would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that they will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that they would take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that they will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which they are about to enter: So help me God. The purpose of the U.S. Constitution as stated in the preamble, is very clear: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. STORY LINE With voice over music They represent the 1%, that fund them, and purge voters from the system, take-away women’s rights, shut the government down and take American hostages. Then ransom them back to our president a few at a time. Now, they say that they want to be treated as our equals, so they must be willing to give up their paid during shut down, or they must be willing to go to jail for their crimes against our government and our constitution. They are not Americans, and they do not care about majority rule. The watchdog of government the press needs to show the hurt and pain of 800,000 federal employees every day to remind the government that these people serve our government, they have faces, names, families, they support our military save lives, and do research. We need to put in place laws that protect our Federal and State employees. They should never be abuse like this again. The media and the president need to treat essential and non- essential state and federal government employees like Hurricane Katrina victims. Our President needs to go to the states hit hard by this man made crisis. A call to Take Action The cable news networks and local news media need to wake up and serve the public interest better. They need to pull together and have a national debate about the shut down, majority rule, the constitution, The Tea party, and the debt ceiling with House Republican, Harry Reid, and the President to get their input on record about the shutdown and paying debt. Voters can understand what is going on. They should do this to serve the public interest. We would like to know . . . Why they hate this president? Media should poll the voters and ask the voters: Which party is more democratic and care about the people? Also, poll voters. How many people think the Tea party would have impeach the President, if he had shut the government down like they did? Can anyone remember GOP official Marilyn Davenport ‘s e-mail . Most recent , a sign of hatred and bigotry was displayed at the home of the president by members of our own government. The flag was used to incite a lawless action in front of the White House. I guess. I have to remind some veterans that your commander and chief is President Barack Obama. The Tea party has use military veterans as a tool to disrespect the commander and chief and our military to send a message of racial and and religious hate. around the world. White House racist message ,not only send a clear message of hate to President , but send a clear message to African American across America. You are not one of us, so remain at the back of the bus. This was not free speech, but hate speech. The president religion was question, and the Word Muslims was used with hated and bigotry It was like having a cross burning in front of my house. Can the media say this was free speech? In short, we need the Supreme Court to give us Judicial Review, to help the President fix this problem in congress
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:20:33 +0000

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