TODAY ON FRANKLY SPEAKING - ONCE AGAIN, IT’S ON! Its natural for an unborn child; a living soul still in the womb to be unaware of its own existence. Its natural for a baby in the womb to be unconscious of the fact that he is already alive; eating, growing, moving and generally exhibiting all the characteristics of a living being, yet be unaware of the fact that its alive and living. Even a brand new baby of a few weeks can be pardoned to be unconscious of whom he is and his environment; he will not be judged or criticized about not been aware of himself and this life. It is allowed. Now the fact that it is allowed does not rule out the fact the baby is growing and advancing in age. Weather this baby is aware of himself or not, aware of his environment or not, aware of his world or not, time has no respect or regard for that. Time wouldnt wait for even that baby in the womb much more a baby already born. Time has no respect for anyone even babies. Ignorance of your world, been oblivious and unconscious of your existence, your environment and your reality begs for no sympathy from time. Time keeps running. Time waits for no one no matter the excuse. Asleep, awake, ill, healthy, progressing, regressing, stagnant, ambitious, retarded, aggressive, laid back, hardworking, indolent, educated, ignorant, good looking, otherwise, happy, unhappy, motivated, discouraged, frustrated, inspired, feed up, energized; no matter the condition of your mind, your soul or your body, time doesnt care. Time has no respect for your experience and person. Time is the master. Dear friend, may I say to you this morning that youre actually older now than this same time yesterday? In fact youre older now than you were two hours ago. Aging is a process not an incidence; its a continuous process and its directly an output of time. Youre aging every second, you dont age every day; youre aging just by being alive. Now being aware of this fact, how exactly are you utilizing every second to ensure you enjoy a life of peace, comfort, security, abundance and purpose? Who and what are you still waiting for to come and fix or improve the quality of your life? Who are you giving the job or responsibility of making you happy, excited, fulfilled and accomplished? What is that thing, that person or situation youre actually waiting for to come and give your life a worthwhile meaning? For how long would you keep relinquishing your right to make you happy to other people, circumstances and events? For how long would you allow fear, low self-esteem, ignorance and the approval of men keep you in that jail of sadness and self-deceit? When are we going to see the real you instead of this strange personality that is not so you but youve adopted to give the world an impression of whom you want them to want you to be? You are so afraid to launch out, you have remained in that employment that you hate so much because people think and say its a fantastic job? You have remained a willing tool in the hands of not so caring employers because you need the money; hence. youre a prisoner of salary, you have paid so much money in tithes, offering, first fruit and all sorts of seeds to so called spiritual leaders who make you think God loves them more than he loves you and would listen to them and ignore you, so you must pay for all the blessings and break through you desire; You hate every day, your life is a continuous struggle with pressure, tension, stress, health issues, fear of the boss, manipulation of so called spiritual leaders, employers, friends and relatives and your daily life is but to put your interest and happiness last but the wishes of others first simply because in your mind you think your happiness depends on them not knowing that your true happiness resides within you. Hmmm Dear friend, are you aware your life is running even now, I just wanted to remind you again about todays date and the month were in and for you to think back and ask yourself questions about who really ruled and rocked your life this year? Who and what took up most of your time, your energy, your joy, your peace, your satisfaction and commitment? If its not you, Im afraid you are absent. You exist in this world but you may not be living. To live is to express you in ways that make you real and original; in ways that make you unique and different from others, to live in ways beyond struggling to meet the expectations of men. You need to be free, you need liberty my friend. You see freedom does not mean the right to do what you like; its actually that right to do what is right. What is right in my opinion is to let the world gain from you, stop hiding you, the real you by adopting a life that is so not you. Stop wasting your time and life being who youre not. To fail successfully is to live an entirely doing something youre not meant to do or designed to do. God designed you for a purpose and an assignment, if youre not functioning within your purpose and design by God, Even if the whole world applauds you, you know on your inside youre a failure. Dear friend, come on now, wake up and smell the coffee. Make today the most important day of your life by resolving to manifest your originality; following your passion, dreams, and preferences in life, Set yourself free from that jail, that cell of fear and insecurity; worship of money, worship of spiritual leaders instead of the creator, vain competition and the approval of men. Make intelligent choices; chose happiness today. So what if that boss doesnt like you anymore for choosing to quit, your staying has largely being in his or her interest anyways not yours, so if you chose to be happy now youve done no wrong. So much of your time and money, you have given to a so called spiritual leader who says the money belongs to God, yet hes the one spending it, and youve been so deceived, not realizing real giving to God is when you give to the poor. If for years youve been giving to ministries and spiritual leaders youre still broke, why not try give to the poor, orphans and widows and the sick and see if you would not become rich? Dont worry if your banker friends chose not to relate with you anymore because youve decided to do something different. They may scorn you today and laugh for opting to be an event planner, a makeup artiste, a fashion designer, a property developer or even a trader, its just a matter of time, these same colleagues would queue up in front of your business premises one day begging you for deposits, I promise you. Let your parents and close associates reject you for wanting to do something meant for you instead of that hard, boring profession they forced you into, its a matter of time, when you become rich and famous, these same parents would begin to introduce themselves in public with your identity on the account of your success and popularity. Listen friend, youre trying too hard to make your boss and colleagues like you because you believe your promotion is within their power; hence you have totally become another person; compromised on so many fronts to keep impressing them and remaining in their good books, I tell you dear friend, they know what you want and what youre doing and I promise you when you think theyve got your back, theyll so sell you out youll almost faint. Stop living that fake and pretentious life based on the desperation for promotion and appointment. People can see through it, they know youll become yourself when you eventually get there, so why not enjoy your life being yourself and letting people love and appreciate you for whom you are? If the position and promotion is yours, no one and nothing can deny you of it. Dear friend, wake up, your life is running and youre probably not enjoying it. Change your mind, change your style, become the real you, manifest the originality and uniqueness you carry. Wake up your inner senses, the eye of your mind, the nose of your mind, the ears of your mind; the tongue of your mind and connect directly with your real world. Connect with your God by yourself, no more through a spiritual consultant, Youve been unconscious in this life for far too long, youve lived a life not meant for you for far too long, youve lived for others and circumstances for far too long, youve lived in the service and worship of money and people for far too long, youve lived in servitude of a so called love affair for far too long, come out of that jail today. All youre chasing in others and situations you actually carry on the inside of you, all you need is someone to introduce you to the real you and help you manifest confidently, purposefully and graciously the real you. The whole world is waiting for you to manifest, all creation, this generation awaits your glory and talent and charm, we sure do need you. Set yourself free from a mindset that tells you youre small, helpless and insignificant, if others are succeeding, yes you can, true freedom, wealth, influence, recognition and fulfilment awaits you when you wake up your inner senses. Dear friend, your season is now; once again, your life is still on and its running; make your life count. Listen to me my friend, my ambition is not just to inspire you with this message but to actually see you become all Ive shared; its in the result, hence Ill want to invite you, if you please, to attend my life classes where I teach on how to succeed in life; knowing your purpose and fulfilling your purpose; bringing you real happiness.Enjoy your day.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:02:37 +0000

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