TODAY is the day for freedom, healing, and restoration!!! This - TopicsExpress


TODAY is the day for freedom, healing, and restoration!!! This is Mr. Mellow. He’s 7 days old today. First, please SEE yourself as this innocent little lamb, because Abba sees you that way – precious and beloved in His sight. Yesterday, Mr. Mellow broke his leg. I will be going out to the barn shortly to hold Mr. Mellow and pray for him for a divine healing miracle for as long as it takes. I believe this prophetic picture is much bigger than me, my family & Solace Farm. IF YOU HAVE BEEN HURT AND WOUNDED BY A PASTOR OR OTHERS IN AUTHORITY IN THE “CHURCH” SPECIFICALLY, PLEASE JOIN ME IN FORGIVING THOSE WHO PERSECUTED YOU AND DESPITEFULLY USED AND ABUSED YOU. Cast away any and all bitter root judgments in the fire of His Altar, for indeed His coals of fire are the coals of love. TODAY is the day for YOUR FREEDOM, HEALING & RESTORATION!!! Our Beloved asked me to be more vulnerable with you, because He told me that He wants to do a great healing in whosoever will. So here goes… A few years back, I was abused by a pastor physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you’d like to read more about it, please read ---> https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=553717768034055&set=pb.436004819805351.-2207520000.1395157796.&type=3&theater When I met with the pastor who had abused me at the insistence of the head pastor, the LORD gave me very specific instructions. I was to stay calm and not react to anything said. Yeshua then told me to look down. I saw that I was clothed in the dress that I had seen Queen Esther wear in heaven. He came to me and placed a queenly tiara in my hair and said: “There.” Then He told me to raise up my arms. As I raised my arms, a garment of humility came over me and hid my queenly attire. It had a hood and everything, which cloaked the crown. Yeshua then said, “I will always be at your side.” When the pastor and I met alone in his office, I literally could see Yeshua standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder. When I asked the pastor why he had jerked me around like a rag doll and demanded that I not minister to anyone when I had been following the instructions of the head pastor, I was told: “God told me to swing away hard enough to break your femur, so that I could carry you around my shoulders, so you can get to know your pastor.” At this statement, Yeshua’s fingers gently put pressure on my right shoulder, because I could feel way deep inside a righteous anger rising up inside of me. His touch not only helped me release the anger immediately, but I knew that He would take care of it. I actually stared at the pastor amazed that He would lie to Yeshua’s face like this, and dare to abuse His Beloved. Then I simply responded, “Hummm… I’m gonna have to check that, because that doesn’t sound like God to me.” When I look back, the amount of grace and peace in a very precarious situation still astounds me. BTW - When we were beginning our meeting, a girl came back and told the pastor, you are the last one in the building so lock up when you leave. So… I knew it was only me, the pastor and Yeshua. Long story short… I was continually led to walk in forgiveness. I have done my best to walk with a clean heart before Him in this regard. My husband and my son have had a much harder time forgiving the abuse of their wife and mother. I asked LOVE this morning as I laid my head on Abba’s heart, I though we took take of that curse of the broken femur (Prov 26:2). He told me that I had, but your son and husband has let the unforgiveness toward Pastor So-And-So become a bitter root judgment. So I stood in gap this morning for my son and my husband in identificational repentance and forgave Pastor So-And-So, which I have done before but today it will end. This is an object lesson for us all. Now… I am going to the barn to hold precious little Mr. Mellow and pray, worship and do whatever the Spirit leads for this little guys health and healing. If you or someone you know has been used and abused by someone in authority, please join me… because TODAY IS THE DAY FOR SALVATION, DELIVERANCE& HEALING!!! YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Robin Main 03-18-14
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:34:56 +0000

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