TODAY’S FRESH BREAD (GOD IS AT PEACE WITH YOU) Romans 5:11 Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. (NIV) To reconcile is to make peace with a person, forgiving all his wrongs against you. God has reconciled you to Himself through the finished work of Christ Jesus. The more you know that God is not reconciling you to Himself based on your efforts but rather, through Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross, the more your joy in Him is complete. Not believing that you are already reconciled to God doesn’t break His reconciliation with you. God is not reconciled to you because you believe in Jesus Christ. But because Jesus Christ did for you. Beloved, you walk in the benefits of His reconciliation by BELIEVING IN Jesus Christ. His free gift of reconciliation must be accepted and it is accepted by believing in Jesus Christ. God has reconciled you to Himself through the sacrifice of Christ, and you reconcile yourself to Him by believing in Christ. As a Christian, you are moved from just a world of reconciliation into SONSHIP with the Father. When you believe that your reconciliation is based not on Jesus’ finished work but on your own efforts, God’s reconciliation with you not canceled. Rather, you live in continues misery, guilt and condemnation knowing that you can never work enough to satisfy God and that anytime you mess up, your fellowship with God is broken. I will counsel you dear beloved, to believe that you are ALREADY reconciled with God with an eternal reconciliation through the finished work of Christ. God is not now going to reconcile with you. He has already reconciled with you through the finished work of Christ and His reconciliation can never be broken. He is not the angry God that has been preached to you for years. He is the LOVING DADDY that your spirit and soul have been longing for. Know and believe that He has reconciled with you through Christ Jesus so that your joy in Him will always be full. Rejoice always in God because His has bridged the gap between you and Him. JESUS IS YOUR RECONCILIATION OF THE FATHER. The joy of the Lord is your strength. You are blessed with an everlasting blessing….. Good morning
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 06:55:05 +0000

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