TOILET (2) I go downstairs and lie on the big sofa in our big - TopicsExpress


TOILET (2) I go downstairs and lie on the big sofa in our big parlour. I close my eyes and pray that my mummy would soon come and I will tell her everything. But when I opened my eyes again, I find myself inside the toilet. It is dark. But there is no voice. The water-closet is open, but there is nobody there. I blink my eyes and in an instance, somebody is sitting on the water-closet. My heart skipped a beat but I soon realise that I am the one sitting on the water closet. But I am still standing at the door, I tell myself. How then can I be sitting on the water closet? I cannot explain how this is possible. The Shola sitting on the water closet then stretches her hand forward, calling me to come. I hesitate for a moment. But then I thought that if it is me that is calling me, why should I be afraid. I begin to move away from the white wall and move closer to the water closet. I am not afraid at all, because I know that I am with myself. I am almost an inch away from her outstretched hands when suddenly, the sitting Shola changed into a very very big black cat with very wicked eyes. I scream, running towards the door. But it is locked. I start to bang the door, not being able to look back whether the big cat is coming towards the door. Luckily for me the door opened and I quickly rush into my room, running towards the door that led to the hallway. At the door, I collide with my mummy. I am crying and she asks me why I am screaming in the dead of the night. I tell her that there is a big cat inside my toilet. She laughs and goes ahead inside the toilet. Within seconds, she comes back to where I was standing at the door, trembling in fright. She tells me that there is nothing inside the toilet and that I was only sleep-walking. I insist that I really saw a big cat. She tells me that it is all in my imagination, and that there is nothing there. She goes ahead to close the toilet door and carries me to my bed. She sits by my side on the bed and I start to tell her about the voices I hear every night from the toilet. She tells me that I should not worry, that everything is fine and she would sleep with me tonight. As I close my eyes tonight, my mummy beside me, I feel safe. But I still believe that there is something inside the toilet that is very very bad. Vey bad like the bogeyman in my dreams. I pray to God to protect me. And also to protect my mummy. It is dark again, and I am alone on my bed. It was yesterday that my mummy slept with me. Today, I asked her to come and sleep with me again but she told me that daddy is at home and also assured me that nothing is going to happen. Her words assured me and I ran into my room quickly hiding under the blanket. I am now hiding under the blanket but sleep has once again run away from me. My room is very silent and even if a pin drops, I would hear. I had told my mummy to take Cathy away, and now I regret that decision. At least, she would have been a very good companion. Now, I have nobody to rub their head. I am sad. But my sadness is soon replaced by fear as I start to hear the meowing of a cat from the direction of the toilet. I freeze under the blanket. Then I hear the toilet door screech open, and the sounds of light footsteps begin to follow. The meowing seems to be getting closer, and I am very very afraid that it is the big black cat. I start to pray in my mind to God that the blanket would hide me from the cat. Then I feel the pressure at the foot of my bed descend, like somebody was climbing it. My heart is now in my mouth and I expect to faint very soon. I do not want to shout because I know that the cat will now know that I am here. I still believe and hope that the cat would go back. But it seems like my hopes were going to be dashed as I saw something big and long lie by my side. My sight is still shielded by the blanket covering my face and the room is still dark. But I can see that what just slept by my side has a big head and long body. I also think that I can see paws. Then, I start to feel hairy contact on my body. I cannot wait no more and I threw back the blanket to see what really was on my bed. To my great astonishment, it was the big black cat, sleeping head-level with me on my bed and before I can shout MUMMY, I feel my throat stifle because the cat has put its paws in between my mouth. And slowly, I see that the paws start to travel down my throat. I don’t know how it is possible, but the big black cat puts its second hand inside my mouth too. And also its big head. And soon, all I can see are the two legs going down into my mouth. Then soon, I can see nothing again. It seems like I have swallowed the big black cat. TO BE CONTINUED TOILET ends tomorrow right here on EKUS Please keep sharing and drop a comment!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 17:50:07 +0000

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