[TRANS @mug_ping] STRICTLY NO TAKING OUT / QUOTING WITHOUT THE WHOLE ARTICLE - Yunho on the predecessor drama Triangle -I translated this article only with the purpose of avoiding Yunhos words being taken out of context. Therefore, the WHOLE article must be reproduced, and NO quoting of single phrases is allowed.- Upon receiving questions about the predecessor drama of Journal of Night Watchmen, Triangle, which Kim Jae Joong is appearing in, Jung Yunho smiled while saying I receive a lot of this type of questions. Jung Yunho said, Actually, I did not watch Triangle in detail. While I was coming back when I was overseas, I came to be able to watch it here and there. It was nice seeing the look of him (note: no actual subject particle used here) working hard. I am thankful because it seems like it will also bring about positive influence on Journal of Night Watchmen. He also expressed his hopes (for Journal of Night Watchmen), Although it has not been long since I started filming, it is great that I am able to act together with the humane and exemplary seniors. I developed the thought that it seems like there will be good chemistry. It will be great if Journal of Night Watchmen turns out well after receiving the good influence of Triangle. news.naver/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=311&aid=0000365343
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:19:00 +0000

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