TRANSFORMATION KEYS TO DO THE PLAN OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE Key #1 - Praying in Tongues Praying in tongues has everything to do with your becoming prepared and qualified for your particular calling. And as you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit is able to build into your heart the understanding of God’s will for your personal lives. Praying in other tongues also supplies the power to overcome character flaws — those deep-seated character traits that keep cropping up and robbing you of your stamina and initiative to overcome in the face of the common testings and trials that precede almost every major victory and promotion by God. Praying in tongues always affects you in a positive way. God says that it edifies you (1 Cor. 14:4). In Jude 20, He says that it builds you up on your most holy faith. As you faithfully spend time praying in tongues, your lives begin to be transformed. The Word of God begins to come alive as you place your spirit, the candle of the Lord (Prov. 20:27), in the hands of the expert Illuminator. As you spend time praying in tongues, the Holy Spirit is fast at work doing what He does best: edifying you and putting to death all the things that would hinder you from reaching your full potential. Eventually, He is able to get you to a place where He can take the emphasis off of your own edification and release His power through you on the behalf of others. Key #2 - Meditation & Assimilation of the Word What is meditation? Meditation is the process of assimilating God’s Word into your soul and spirit. As you meditate on the Word of God, the Holy Spirit takes God’s counsel in the form of the Word and reconstructs it in your spirit in such a way that it becomes your insight, wisdom, and counsel. The Word not only becomes a part of you, but as it becomes implanted in your heart, you become a part of it! As you pray in tongues, the Teacher (the Holy Spirit) of your new nature uses the supernatural language He brought all the way from Heaven to begin an illumination process inside of you. Within that language resides not only the mysteries of God’s plan for your life, but the understanding of all Scripture. When you read a book of the Bible over and over, you set yourself up for day-and-night meditation. You are feeding your spirit the raw material that the Holy Ghost needs to illuminate the entire book for you! Eventually the central theme will be born in you. Then all satellite verses will be pulled in, along with the understanding of how they relate to each other. Understanding how verses relate to one another in a passage of Scripture is an important part of the meditation process. One of the first things the Lord taught regarding meditation was never to take a verse out of context. If there is a verse you try to understand, the Holy Spirit alerts you to find where the subject of the verse begins and ends and then to read over that passage many times. In this way, you assist Him in your meditations. The assimilation process will happen automatically, even when you go to sleep. Key #3 - Private Worship Your journey into answered prayer takes you to the limb of private worship. Why is it so important to spend time fellowshipping with God through worship? One thing you have to understand is that everything Jesus has provided, Heaven has made available to us. You can’t talk God into doing anything for you, nor is He holding back anything from you. A lot of prayers go unanswered because in many areas of your lives, you still have a problem believing that God wants to or will answer them. Worship can change that because you cannot subject yourselves to His presence without being changed. We encourage you to set aside time to spend worshipping God privately. You will find it to be one of the most valuable keys to being changed and receiving answers to prayer. Never stop praying in tongues, because there are so many advantages to this kind of prayer, but add to it worship, and you will find your life changing in ways you never thought possible. The more you speak to yourselves and sing and make melody in your hearts as Ephesians 5:19 and 20 says, the more the Holy Spirit gets involved with your senses and brings them under subjection to His Word until you know what it means to be filled with the Spirit. The purpose for this filling is to receive Gods direction and His peace. Key #4 - Confession of the Word Spend time with the Lord reconciling the problem you are currently facing to the Cross. How? By replacing with the words of your mouth the image of the problem that the devil sends your way with the image that is in the Word. That is your inheritance and your right as a believer. Confessing the Word of God is using the faith God has already put in your heart to enforce what He has already said about your problem. Once you have prayed the prayer of faith over the problem, you are not to talk to God about the problem — you are to talk to the problem about God! You know that confession of God’s Word can affect your hope and eventually your faith to receive answers to your prayers. But it’s important not to forget the Holy Spirit’s role in all of this. One of His most difficult tasks is to get you across that line to where your emotions and physical senses are finally willing to accept the Word of God as the final say so. Basically, the Holy Spirit has to get you to where both your emotions and your senses are willing to subject themselves to the Word of God for training. You must reach the place where your emotions are more stimulated by the Word than they are by the circumstances, and your senses are willing to believe the Word of God even in the absence of physical evidence. These two things are usually required to substantiate the presence of answered prayer. It is not your confession that moves God. Rather, it moves you into a place to receive from God by causing you to cross the line from hope to faith. When that transition is made, the result is automatic: God will come on the scene in response to your faith with grace for your situation and meet your needs according to His riches in glory! There is something wonderful about the way God created the human soul. You will eventually believe what you willfully subject yourselves to, if you subject ourselves to it long enough. One of the most effective ways of subjecting ourselves to the Word of God is by limiting your mind, your will, and your intellect to only what the Word says about your finances or problems, and by speaking only the words that agree with what Jesus has promised you. Key #5 - Fasting Fasting doesn’t move God; He isn’t the One stuck underneath an invisible ceiling. Your fasting also doesn’t move the devil; he isn’t the one with your problem. Somehow fasting deals with your unbelief. So when you pray in the Holy Ghost, worship God, and confess His Word, you are enforcing the positional truth that your spirit is seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. The more you pray in the Holy Ghost, the more you execute that position of grace. On the other hand, when you fast, you are enforcing the positional truth that the “body of sin” was crucified with Christ and your flesh no longer has the power to rule over the operation of your spirit. Thus, when you begin to fast and pray, you execute two positional truths in the realm of the Spirit. That’s why prayer and fasting are the power twins. Again, your fasting doesn’t move God; it moves you to a place where you can receive from God. Fasting destroys the hold that the flesh has had on your lives so that, instead of operating out of the flesh, you can continually operate out of the Spirit! The day you decide to fast is the day you decide to quit hiding from your own flesh — from whatever it is in you that just doesn’t care about the lost, the poor, the naked, or those who are cast out of God’s house. It’s the day you decide to quit hiding from whatever ceiling is in your life stopping you from operating in God’s power. The day you decide to fast is the day you decide to quit running from yourself. Key #6 - Co-Laboring with the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is our Helper according to the Word of God. This does NOT mean that we ask the Holy Spirit to help us with what we want to do out of our own will. We ask the Holy Spirit what the will of God the Father is. This is how we co-labor with the Holy Spirit and become His helper in the earth. Key #7 - Waiting on God The Lord has many things He wants to say to us about waiting on Him. Waiting on God accomplishes things that none of the other transformation keys will do in us. Waiting on Him is when we become still and quiet on the inside until we hear Him speak those precious things to us. There is a flow from the Father to you that happens. Do not disturb this time with praying, confession or anything else. Be quiet with a heart to hear your Father. There are times in the Word of God where it mentioned that God waits on us. One example is in Isaiah 30:18. If our Father can wait on us we can do the same and wait on Him to hear His precious words to us. When you hear from your Father you will never ever be the same. You will also receive everything that you will need to complete what He has created for you to complete.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:40:43 +0000

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