TRANSLATION OF DANISH WRITE-UP (below)... The London - TopicsExpress


TRANSLATION OF DANISH WRITE-UP (below)... The London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra participates in Skagen Festival for the fifth time. The London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra is the name of a bunch of skrupskøre Englishmen, who acts at this years Edition of the Skagen Festival, which begins today. Theyve been there before, so it is the fifth time they participate in the event and frontman Mike Martin consider gradually Denmark as his second home and are very excited about the conditions at the top of Denmark. -The atmosphere in Skagen is quite unique. The default for musikaliteten is extremely high and the mood is of sheer happiness, even if its raining, explains Mike Martin and says that he and the other from the band are very excited to have been invited back. The Festival is full of old friends, which we are really looking forward to seeing again. Some of them have called us the musical version of Monty Python, and it takes us as a huge compliment. LPSO, as the band called for simplicitys sake, can play on pretty much everything from the trumpet, guitar, banjo, mandolin, bagpipes and tuba to saw blade, washboard, suitcases and much more while musicians sings and performs quirky movements. It is musically clowning, crazy gaits and British humor of the highest carat, which will be well received in Skagen. -We play two official concerts at this years festival. On the first Friday at Port stage and then Saturday at the scene where Ann Birgitta Goddiksen, the venue Coordinator, does a wonderful job with her professionalism and warm personality that gets all the instrumental, to feel so welcome. But I expect we will be appearing unofficially in other situations around the Festival as a network with other musicians, explains lead singer. Now that you have a bonkers arch-Englishman at close range, so we can just as well take advantage of it. So let us get answers to some of the questions that you as a Dane always have been wondering, whats with the Islanders. That is why my next question of why all Englishmen are always so courteous and the answer comes immediately. -Well, it is, of course, our national characteristics, which can be described as the stiff upper lip. But at the same time, it is something that is changing with the younger generation, explains Mike and tells that it is a way to show respect for all. -But if you think that all Englishmen are always so courteous, so you need to see how many young English people behave when they have been out drinking at the weekend, or when they are on vacation in places like Ibiza. Oh dear! Next question is an explanation on about all hotels in England will be driven as it was The Fawlty Towers, which we at home know as Fawlty Towers. Mike laughs and says immediately: -Fortunately not, no. But did you know that John Cleese was inspired to create his Basil from a place of Monty Python stayed in Torquay when they filmed The Holy Grail in the early 70 s, he explains with ´ allusion to the movie, which we at home know as Monty Python and the wacky Knights. -There was a hotel owner who apparently was so incredibly rude to his customers that Cleese found it howling amusing and fascinating. Apparently, he shouted and humiliated Terry Gilliam for the way he eat his steak at in American style with one hand. He considered its customers as a necessary nuisance and insulted them all, unless they were of upper class. But no, most British hotels are fine. Last question and something you have been wondering for many years as a Dane. For it with the fact that the wheel sits on the wrong side of the cars in England and here comes the answer promptly: -Here I have to say that our steering wheel sits in the right side of the car. It is most of the rest of the world that has it on the wrong side. But it is an interesting fact that the only place in the whole of our British Kingdom, where cars can drive on the right side, is the narrow street, which serves as the entrance to the famous Savoy Hotel in London. This goes back to the old days when, in connection with the horse-drawn carriages could take pasagere off and on right by the door. This years festival on top of Denmark takes its beginning with tyvstarten in Skagen Culture and leisure center tonight, but the official start with the opening speech is on Fridays in Skagen Badminton Court. Among the biggest names from abroad is Harum received Harum, The Dubliners and Tom Paxton, while Poul Krebs, Lis Sørensen, Lars Lilholt Rugsted/Kreutzfeldt and is among the most well known at home. One thing is for sure. Mike Martin and the rest of the skrupskøre Brits from The London Philharmonic Skiffle Orchestra welcomes, and is an experience worthy, if you both need to hear good music and have used laughter muscles at the same time. See the full program here: ... and as they say in Skagen: Let the good times roll.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 15:07:07 +0000

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