TRUE LIFE STORY: In 2013 in Grahamstown, 4 young boys attacked me - TopicsExpress


TRUE LIFE STORY: In 2013 in Grahamstown, 4 young boys attacked me and my house mate outside a girls high school. It was lunch time and there was a lot of traffic. The tallest held a pocket knife to my throat and asked that I hand over my purse, it contained my student card, bank cards, cash and house keys. I gave him my purse and they run off. I was shaken and at the police station I thought I would get some support, but I found a girl who had been raped sitting staring at the floor waiting for the counselor to come and talk to her. .... My problem shrunk and I left thanking God for my life. Life isnt always fair but know that there people out there who have it worse than you:(
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:15:17 +0000

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