TRUE MINISTRY With so many prominent ministries (especially - TopicsExpress


TRUE MINISTRY With so many prominent ministries (especially here in America) we would think that the impact for Jesus Christ would be an awesome one. Unfortunately many ministries have become nothing more than an empty shell. They possess the form of godliness but lack the power to bear the true image of godliness. Others have believed that because they can quote a few scriptures, went to bible class or theology school they have now been approved for ministry and are ready to enter into places of leadership. It is a sad reality when godly character and the anointing no longer approves the people of God. When the people of God are no longer approved according to Gods standards we open the door for other things to approve. Sadly this is presently our condition as the church. This is why the power in many assemblies has been stifled. The truth is where flesh continues to rule the Holy Spirit doesn’t. True ministry is first and foremost our ministering unto the Lord. If we havent been sitting in the presence of God how do we expect to stand effectively in the presence men? Ministry can never be what we want it to be it has to be in accordance to everything God ordained it to be. As Moses began to build the Tabernacle God told Him … for, see, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount (Heb 8:5). Moses had an obligation to build according to what was already established. He was not to divert from the plan. This is true with us also as stewards of God. We must not forget that we are only called to the work of the ministry but its still His ministry. We may even be called to lead a local congregation but its still His church. Everything that is needed for a specific work is hid in Christ and we must be willing to seek Him for it. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: (Phil 2:5-7). This is the epitome and true definition of what ministry is. Its a complete surrender to the entire will and full counsel of God. Jesus is our example of this. The bible says that although He is equal to the Father He still chose to submit His will to the Fathers. Jesus was not forced to do this neither was it mere obligation. What Jesus did proceeded from the love He possessed for the Father and the love He knew the Father possessed for Him. Jesus understood fully what His ministry was; yet He still proceeded to do absolutely nothing independently of the Father …I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me (Jn 5:30) For I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of him who sent me (Jn 6:38). This is powerful! Jesus made Himself of no reputation yet He was a man of great reputation. The reputation He acquired was the reputation the Father gave Him. So many believers are running out unwisely before the Lord to build upon a foundation that has not yet been laid. They are ascribing to themselves titles that the Lord never gave unto them. They are Pastors without a shepherds heart, Prophets without Gods vision and Evangelists with no true heart for the lost. They have run after the title to exalt themselves before man but are rejected and wanting before the Lord. Dont get me wrong I do believe in the 5 fold ministry (Eph 4:11) but I believe more so in the character that accompanies these gifts and offices. The Bible doesnt encourage us to respect title alone. If an individual’s title is inconsistent with their character it’s irrelevant what one calls themselves, Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation (conduct, doctrine, character) (Heb 13:7). The author of Hebrews declares we are to follow those who have the character to support their gifts. Countless multitudes have been deceived/hurt and disappointed due to following after the title of a leader and not first examining the character of the leader. Ministry is not picking what we want to do rather its conforming to everything God has for us to do. If you’re an eye in the body, why do you desire to be a mouth? If you’re a toe, why do you desire to be a finger? To operate presumptuously within the Body of Christ creates dysfunction and confusion. We must not seek to be who we want to be but only who God called us to be. The dangers of being out of our rightful place can prove fatal. If we are out of our place that place is open to the attack of the enemy. If he gets in we will give an account for being where we want to be and not where we were supposed to be. He that hath ears let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Finally, true ministry is only true when it is birthed out of our personal afflictions and trials. Jesus can comfort man because he became man. He can be our High Priest because He suffered like we have and has overcome, For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (Heb 4:15). Because He was wounded He can reach the wounded. Because He overcame sin, He teaches us how to overcome it. His ministry was not mere book knowledge; it was harsh experience (Heb 5:8). I am reminded of a great time of trial and proving in my own life. My wife and I were going through a series of tests. We were not living together at the time due to financial difficulty. We had no phone, no money, it was winter and my wife had no winter coat. The only way we could contact one another was over the computer through our email messenger. Every day we would communicate over the computer just to say “hi” and to see how each other were doing. This was a problem also because the only service she would have on her computer came from a library about 6 blocks from where she was. On this specific day it was snowing outside and the library was closed. Yet my wife sat on the steps of the library (snow and all) and wrote to me over the computer. I knew she was freezing out there and my heart broke. I was in tears as I prayed and asked God “why?” He gently communicated with me saying, “In order for you to have compassion on the poor you must experience some level of being poor. It’s not good enough to think what poor feels like. When you feel what they feel you will have the compassion I desire you to have and you will never turn your back on the poor.” I realize now that true ministry is intimate experience. It’s the experiences God takes us through to soften our hearts to have compassion for others (Heb 5:2). Now when I minister to the poor there is an anointing there and what I share with them is much more effective having walked in their shoes. The oil is in the olive. The oil symbolizes the anointing, the olive symbolizes us. In order to extract the oil from the olive, the olive must first be crushed. For the anointing to flow freely and without hindrance in our lives, we must also first be crushed (our self life). Do you bear the marks of our Lord Jesus Christ or do you still believe that title is ministry? True ministry is nothing less than true compassion.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 20:33:46 +0000

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