TRULY GRATEFUL MEN, TELL IT... I see people ANGRY and OFFENDED - TopicsExpress


TRULY GRATEFUL MEN, TELL IT... I see people ANGRY and OFFENDED that SOME ONE did something for them and TOLD other PERSONS of the good. This I find FUNNY and NAUSEATING.. Its INGRATITUDE, its PRIDE and its a CARRY OVER from the WORLD. Except when the PEOPLE dont want me to, or when TELLING it may expose them to some DISADVANTAGE..I tell it on the ROOF TOPS. SEEDS, KIND DEEDS and FAVORS ...sacrifices others made for you are to be TREASURED and not TRAMPLED. Some even say I will REFUND your MONEY or STUFF..If you knew how GOD sees you.. Be humble enough to take it.,, Jesus called a woman a dog, he said its not meet to take the CHILDRENS bread and TOSS it to the dogs.. She replied...I AGREE, a dog, but even the dogs do eat from the CRUMBS that fall from the masters table.. And the master replied ..woman great is your faith, for such an answer go thy way, the devil is gone out of your daughter..Mt Humility pays, she got what she wanted.. Many would have felt insulted and cursed Jesus before leaving. You know a man that has the answer to help you or a man of God that is graced to help out.. But PRIDE , lying in the name of the GLORY must not go to any man.. God is not COMPLAINING, the DEVIL IS and your pride is making you side in with Satan against yourself, ?, ask and it shall be given you.,, mt 7; 7 And when you receive, share it, testify, dont hide the Goodness of God and the Good heart God assisted you with. Be may not need to call names but gratitude cant keep quite. Come see a man who told me all things soever I did before is tbis not the messizh..Jn 4; That was how the samaritan woman at the well took the message of Jesus to an ENTIRE TOWN that EVERYBODY came out to HIM. True GRATITUDE doesnt wait for the FELLOW to tell...Its YOU that TELLS it to OTHERS joyfully and gratefully CELEBRATING the kind acts. True GRATITUDE doesnt get offended that He told that He helped me...You simply take the OPPORTUNITY to tell the HALF that He didnt tell whike he was testifying of the opportunity to bless you The woman at the WELL, the DEMONIAC was sent away to go tell what great things the lord had done for him, they went off and told. There are PEOPLE who are SUFFERRING, that know a BROTHER, SISTER or MINISTER that could help them, in their PRIDE they say. NOBODY will take any GLORY for HELPING, PRAYING or GIVING to me...its not GODS GLORY thats your PROBLEM its your PRIDE and God says until you HUMBLE yourself, The SITUATION will continue to HUMBLE you. Learnt my LESSONS long ago, I dont care whether GOD uses a MONKEY or a DONKEY to help me..a CHILD or an old MAN to help long as I have opportunity I tell it, I tell of the women who gave to help us buy our land, I tell of the lady who sacrificed twice to get it done, the friend who introduced them to me.. a friend on fb who blessed me out of tight corners led by the spirit... I dont wait for them to TELL.Those am telling may not even know them . but am all so GRATEFUL to God for sending me help and THANKFUL to the fellows for CARING ENOUGH to help that if they let me, I would BROADCAST it on CNN so the whoke world could know how good, nice and kind this and that FELLOW are. Its the least way we could show GOD our gratitude for such souls.. and its the way to position yourself as deserving of such DIVINELY SENT Assistance when next ever you need it.. THANKSGIVING. Father we thank you for the many beautiful hearted men and women you use and have continued to use to PRAY, ENCOURAGE, SERVE, SOW and STAND with us all these days and months. They made your LOVE so REAL and PRESENT to us, thank you father, may they never lack HELP, PROVISION, ENCOURAGEMENT, SUPPLY and SUPPORT all their days in Jesus Name.,, we are truly grateful.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:44:49 +0000

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