TRUTH IN ESSENCE-THE WAY OF PEACE IS IN REASONABLE AS TRUTHFUL ACTIONS.The best way to avoid crisis.corruption and injustice is for every of the citizenry of this world to be just as good reasons qupports in actions and anytíng short and leq of this makes an embodment of crisis.injustice and unfree relationship and belonging.Again the major crisis and injustice in tís world is that many people have no good sense of judgement and does not know when they are doing evil or one thing or the other wrong hence selfish interest overides the realistic human feelings on reasons .thereby making a fnrm of callous living apes of this timd.And only thing is that it is only when they start feeling pains at one time or the other that the consiouness of the feeling of pains reminds them of thdir past dids that was very wrong.We all gain awareneq and know that if we start reasoning right as need be without being ruled by sentiment.jealousy.hatred.selfishness.greed etc peace will revrn to the face of this earth.Human beings makes the crisis thdy protest even withov knowing.The good question is how do we awaken the conciouneq upon people to think and reason propdrly so that every action is justified on a proveable evidence of good reasoning?,I believe that if i get the money i already made from my personal effortr through my published book titled The Equanimity Knowledge i can empower the values in said awareness on thinking and reasoning upon human kind and this is my mission imcompleted yet on earth.Hence it is left for the leadep of this world to understand that i speak from the authority of truth and good reasons that comes from the purity oe a developed brain and mind enabled with a nutured effective practice foundf on rare experience that had never been witnessed in the anals of human history.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 09:19:41 +0000

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