TURMEL: Whitby-Oshawa byelection report JCT: Polling day - TopicsExpress


TURMEL: Whitby-Oshawa byelection report JCT: Polling day tomorrow. Heres the happened: In most recent elections and byelections, Rogers TV would exclude me while most of the other meetings would invite me. This election was completely reversed. Rogers TV gave all candidates a 5-minute interview and then invited all 6 of us to an all-candidates debate while none of the other three meetings invited me!! Here are those broadcasts: Highlights of Rogers TV Whitby-Oshawa byelection debate youtu.be/sprXafm_kHU Rogers TV Whitby-Oshawa byelection debate (full) youtu.be/8ig3fbcjTjg Rogers Whitby-Oshawa Byelection Interview on Bus- Bond- DIY P2P Time-bucks youtu.be/wl6mKMs-5VQ I found out about the first meeting I was excluded from too late, at the Rogers debate. I had not been invited to the next two meetings, a Thursday Nov 23 morning meeting for Durham Seniors and one by the Friends of the CBC that evening. The sixth candidate, my ally in municipal Bus Bucks, Josh Borenstein called up Jim Thompson at Friends of the CBC who was adamant that if the major media only let those parties that people see all the time in Parliament participate, he can exclude the ones people never see too. Well see. Josh says he spoke with moderator Frederick sWind who agreed to let him participate. Then I got an invitation too: Frederick Wind [email protected] Good morning Mr. Turmel, Tomorrow at 10 AM we are hosting an all candidates debate in Whitby.. So as yet I am inviting you to participate. The location is 200 Glen Hill Drive South, Whitby, L1N 9W2. Your response is appreciated. Frederick Wind Moderator John Turmel Today at 8:59 AM Thank you, Ill see you there. Frederick Wind Today at 10:45 AM Good morning Mr. Turmel, Sorry to inform you that we have to limit the debate participants because of other developments that happened this morning. Hence our invitation to you is being withdrawn. John Turmel: Today at 12:04 PM Tell me what other developments caused my exclusion from your debate. Frederick Wind Today at 12:43 PM I need to tighten up the timeframe for the TV cameras will be present. I want to give more time to the candidates that have some chance of being elected. I only found out about this development at 10 AM. Once again, my apologies. JCT: Yes, the boys Big Brother TV have said the timeframe has to be tightened to those with best chance of being elected due to the preferential treatment received from Big Brother!! John Turmel Today at 5:24 PM Okay, I understand democracy is the last thing on your mind. But I will quote you when I publish the story, may as well get credit for what you have done. JCT: He seems to have no clue to what hes done, does he? Sorry, TVs coming so I have to tighten the shot and youre out? I was going anyway. He has no clue what awaits. I called Jim Thompson at Friends of the CBC. He was adamant I wasnt going to get on. One of my sources says Thompson calls me a nut case and that they would have plenty of security this time to avoid what happened in Victoria!! So what happened in Victoria? When I found out, I wrote a letter to the other candidates: [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Turmel: Friends of the CBC not so friendly https://youtube/watch?v=y0K4Hg1ZPrA is a debate in Victoria hosted by Friends of the CBC where, at the 19.5 minute mark, an excluded candidate demands to participate. When the other candidates back him up, the Friends of the CBC had to open the debate. The Friends of the CBC are the front organization shill to stage the undemocratic debate the CBC can then cover as news! News its own Friends staged to rig the game. I spoke to Friend of Big Brother Jim Thompson. He insists that since their criterion of demanding party status in the House of Commons is used by the major media, they can exclude the minor candidates too. So hes trying the same stunt in Whitby-Oshawa that got rejected by the candidates in Victoria having learned nothing about the corrupt practice! Back in 1980, I was being excluded from an Ottawa provincial election debate at Ottawa Cable and when I showed up and they insisted I leave, one other candidate, Tory Bob Mitchell shouted at them: For Gods sake, let him stay! And they did. Excluded during the 1981 Spadina federal byelection, Peter Worthington spoke up and the moderators backed down. But in 1984, Liberal Lowell Green and Tory Graham Bird objected to the exclusion and when NDP Evelyn Gigantes agreed minor candidates werent worth of attention, the moderators would not relent, and Green and Bird walked off the show. Gigantes stayed, hogged all the free time commiserating how the media had to choose which candidates were worthy of attention like she was and she won. Bob Rae agreed minor candidates didnt deserve to participate. I remember when I asked John Tory to speak up for me in a Kawartha Lakes byelection, he didnt, could have been a hero for democracy, and lost by a whisker! Har har har. Hope his gutless call made the difference. But when the other candidates do speak up, even just one and not even threatening to walk off the undemocratic debate, the moderators usually have to back down. But when no candidate speaks up, they end up having to call the police to take me away. Every time. During the 2010 Brant Provincial election, Dave Levac watched me being arrested 4 times and didnt speak up once. Actually, Ive been arrested and removed many dozens of times over my 84 election career with most candidates remaining mutes to the injustice. So I dont mind making a fuss when I get cheated, as big a fuss as the Great Canadian Gambler johnturmel/gambler can make. Heres a typical fuss Toronto Centre 1/2-Hour Disruption Jarvis Collegiate Debate youtu.be/PulYz6mCuSQ gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/independent-candidate-john-turmel-delays-the-debate-by-news-photo/450960305?Language=en-US Toronto Star photos of Independent Candidate whom Globe & Mail reporteddisrupted for half-an-hour the Jarvis Collegiate 4-Candidate Debate hosted by John Tory who should have known better. Star didnt use the pics because Star didnt mention the half-hour protest, down their memory hole. Camera follow 3 police take candidate away while other cameras turn away from covering the arrest. So given I am probably the most arrested candidate in history and you dont need your game marred by the crooked referees dragging me away, and with the example of the true democrats in Victoria refusing to allow their opponent to be cheated, no fun winning a tainted game. Kudos to those bold candidates who stood up for their opponent, true sportsmanship in politics, rarely seen. I hope you side with Mitchell, Worthington, Green, Bird and the Victoria Democrats in standing up to Friends of Big Brother and not side with Gigantes, Rae, Tory and Levac in staying mute. You now have the option of entering posterity on the either side too. John Turmel JCT: I failed to tell them the rest Id told Jim Thompson. I knew he was laying on security so Id be gone before the other candidates can vote like in BC. So since he expected trouble enough to have extra security, I decided to amplify his need and volunteered that I was going to go demand the right to participate, like I always do. I ascertained that him being in Ottawa, he had heard what I do when excluded from my Ottawa-area arrests. So hed better have plenty of back-up because it had taken 4 Guelph cops to remove me after Id flipped the moderator off the stage. Get ready, Im coming. What would be funniest is if he doesnt realize that he needs real police and security has to wait for a badge to remove the trespasser doing the non-indictable offence!!! Har har har. Hope so. Regardless, there should be quite the police presence at their Friends of the CBC debate this evening. Wonder if hell muster 5 cops just to make sure? So crashing the morning debate was inevitable. When I got there and sat outside the hall, Frederick approached me and noted Id come. I said yes, I was going to ask the other candidates to over-rule him unless he caved right now and added the extra chair. I love looking them in the eye as I calmly raise the level of confrontation. He said no problem. Id prepared a small flyer of our correspondence to hand out and didnt really need it anymore. Highlights of Durham Srs. Whitby-Oshawa byelection debate youtu.be/KDC2eaVED68 Durham Srs. Whitby-Oshawa byelection debate (full) youtu.be/vHAp4gPmtTU On a Global Warming question, Id just explained how global cooling was now taking place and the Greenie decided to snicker how he had a consensus of sane people. So I heckled him. At one point, I was just getting to the punch line and Wind interrupted me to tell me to get to the point. I laughed that I was at the punch line while he couldnt keep up, and then delivered the punch line and laughed at him for piping up. May have said slow learner but I think that was later. So Frederick decided Josh and I should not get to answer the next question. I got up and spoke over him. He cut my mike. I finished my statement. And when came our round for closing statements, he ordered the mike be cut with the End signal on from the start. What did I care with my stentorian voice about a mike? But having to raise my voice made the news, the only news... durhamregion/news-story/5029441-federal-byelection-candidates-face-off-in-whitby-oshawa/ Independent candidate John Turmel was mostly disruptive during the event and audience members demanded that he be removed from further participation. Reporter Parvaneh Pessian covers the town of Whitby for Metroland Media Groups Durham Region Division JCT: Notice the mostly disruptive for the last 5 minutes. Pessians pessimistic view. Nothing on Fukushima, on community currency, just disruptive. Actually, it only got mostly disruptive with the Greenie pushing his consensus of the sane. But of course, whos to know Parvaneh exaggerated the one disruption and then omitted how the moderator had kept cutting me off to force me to raise the decibels. Ooh, I disrupted the moderators exclusion of me. And I disrupted his cutting my mike.. Speaking loudly was just so so disruptive. But thats Parvanehs warped report for posterity to consider. Videos are up!! See for yourselves the integrity of Pessians interpretation. So instead of telling them about how to prepare for Fukushima, he tells them about a disruption. So when some who might have prepared end up losing earlier, Godll know who helped them get there early, wont he? Aint smart to suppress life-saving solutions, is it? Godll know the K- slab numbers in the end. See johnturmel/scc3 Sort of how I slammed Dave Levac for all the single-patent suicides that could have been prevented if hes caught on to the timebank model when he first heard of it? Blood on his hands, I did blood on Allan Marions hands at the Brantford Expositor, TVOs lead shill Paiken, and now the same applies here. If I offered solutions that could have prevented their deaths, and he didnt tell them.. Hed better hope The Engineer isnt right. Anyway, I asked the other candidates if they were going to stand up for Josh and my participation, the old I may not agree with what you say but agree to your right to say it kind of move. No response. Ill get no help out of these party puppets. Victoria was municipal, no party handlers telling them what not to do. So in only 8 hours, Ill be able to attempt to breach the Friends of the CBCs security to get to the stage. My chances really dont look good. They werent prepared in Victoria to quickly remove the good local doctor, but Jims going to be ready here. So I can spend 8-10 hours trying to breach their increased security I may have scare Jim into laying on or I could spend that 10 hours playing poker in Brantford paying my rent? Im sure I already hold the world record for candidate arrests over exclusion, whats another? Guess what I did? Hope Jim there are a ton of cops on his Friends of the CBC expenses tab!! Har har har har har har. https://youtube/watch?v=hi_bfjbviqg is the whole boring Whitby Oshawa Forum by Friends of the CBC with candidates of the same old parties you always see all the time telling you nothing new, guaranteed by Friends of the CBC!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:32:19 +0000

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