TYPES OF AVAILABILITY AND PRICING OF WINDOWS 8.1 BEING MADE AVAILABLE ON OCTOBER 18, 2013 October 1, 2013. - Starting on October 18, 2013, Windows 8.1 will be a free upgrade made available from the Windows Store that can be accessed from its Tile on the Start screen in Windows 8. If users want to upgrade Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 computers to 8.1, they will be able to buy it from Windows or as a retail DVD package from online or street computer shops. In the US, the pricing is $119.99 for the standard 8.1 and $199.99 for 8.1 Pro, which, as with 8.0, are the only two versions available for the home user. A full version of each that does not require a previous version of Windows, which was not the case with 8.0 (both versions were Upgrade versions only), will be made available. As with 8.0, there is a 8.1 Pro Pack costing $99.99 that upgrades the standard version to the Pro version. The Windows Media Center is no longer a part of Windows and, as is the case with 8.0, has to be added to 8.1 Pro. The standard version of 8. 0 or 8.1 cannot run the Media Center, it has to be upgraded to the Pro version. To add the Media enter to 8.1 Pro requires purchasing a $9.99 download. Some additional information is provided in the following article: blogs.windows/windows/b/bloggingwindows/archive/2013/09/17/pricing-and-packaging-for-windows-8-1.aspx Windows 8 coverage on the PC Buyer Beware! website: Essential information on using Windows 8 and upgrading to Win8 from Windows 7, Vista and XP - pcbuyerbeware.co.uk/Essential-information-on-upgrading-to-windows-8.htm Windows 8 problems: How to diagnose and fix problems with Win8 - pcbuyerbeware.co.uk/Fix-Windows-8-Win8-Problems.htm
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:42:16 +0000

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