Take your spoonful and smile stupidly! As usual, the three - TopicsExpress


Take your spoonful and smile stupidly! As usual, the three networks dont want to stir up the rabble out in the hinterlands…that would be you and I. When a Muslim cuts the head off an innocent woman in Moore, Oklahoma, its described by NBC as a murder, by CBS as workplace violence. Its that, for damn sure, and a whole lot more they dont mention. We see pictures of this animal but not of his car full of Islamic propaganda…I wonder why? I guess they think that all of we Christian, gun loving, throwbacks to a time when America was proud to be Christian will go on a jihad against those who continue to proclaim they want to kill us…and are doing it. How stupid are we? I hope not as stupid as the networks and the administration believe. And, of course, they and the administration still refer to the Fort Hood murders as workplace violence. Its fine to attribute the beheadings of Americans in Iraqi as Muslim atrocities, then why not when it happens in the heart of America? Our press, our administration, never cease to amaze me in how stupid they think we poor dumb hillbillies are. They keep feeding us bullshit and calling it chocolate pie. Thank God for one gun owner who came to the rescue of who would have been many more victims of this Muslim madman.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:17:34 +0000

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