Taken from my book - Miraculously Healed - Roger Webb As the - TopicsExpress


Taken from my book - Miraculously Healed - Roger Webb As the doctor did, some would ask me, “How long are you going to give God and hold off for your miracle?” Every time they asked that, I would tell them, “AS LONG AS IT TAKES.” Others would try to get me to go get medical assistance, because I had no insurance. They would advise me to go ahead and get surgery, all the medical treatments, and after a while, I would be OK. When someone would talk to me this way, a greater determination would rise up inside of me to get my miracle. Instead of them discouraging me, it would fuel the fire in me. I could not believe that people would not simply believe God, and instead, take the easy way out. For me, though, I knew that the medical way was not the easy way out. I knew that I would not live through the surgeries and all the medical treatments to follow. I knew I had to walk this thing out. I would rather die trusting God then die trusting a doctor. Others would tell me, “Roger, don’t eat or drink anything with sugar.” Do you want to know what I did? I just stuck it in the devil’s face. I started drinking Coke and Pepsi again. As a matter of fact, I drank one Coke after another, in spite of the fact that I had given up drinking pop years ago. I was not afraid of cancer spreading or growing in my body, because God was going to heal me. Some would say to me, “Roger, what if that cancer spreads to other parts of your body?” I would tell them, “I don’t care if I have cancer from the top of my head to my toes. What difference does it make? I am going to get a full-blown miracle.” Others tried to advise me about what I should eat or drink. Every time I heard someone say that, my thoughts would be, “I NEVER read in the Word where anyone came to Jesus to be healed, and He told them to change their diet. He NEVER once asked someone if they were eating right before He healed them. NEVER.” Listen to me. I am not against eating or drinking properly, not at all, but let’s get back to the ministry of Jesus, and the way He ministered to the sick and dying. Often I would tell those who were “advising” me about what to do or not to do, “I am going to get my miracle the old-fashioned way. I am going to reach out and touch Jesus, and He is going to reach out and touch me. I am going to get my miracle just like they did when Jesus was on the earth. PERIOD.” Others would ask me what Plan B was. I would tell them, “Listen to me very carefully. Here’s plan A. I’m going to get a full-blown miracle in my body. God is going to heal me. This tumor is going to leave my body, and my prostate is going to function properly. There is NO plan B. GET IT?? NO PLAN B. It’s that simple!” Some would tell me, “Roger, go ahead and go to a specialist and get all the tests done. That way, you will have documentation so that the skeptics will have proof you got a miracle” I would tell them, “Documentations means nothing to a skeptic. No matter what you show them, they are not going to believe. I will know that I got a miracle; God will know that I got a miracle, and that’s good enough for me. It doesn’t matter if anyone else believes it or not. When someone sees my stomach and sees that the football is GONE, they will have enough proof.” I was not going to even enter into that way of thinking. Actually, it was their way of getting me to a doctor. Their doubt and unbelief was not going to get into me. Why should I even consult a specialist when the specialist of all time purchased my miracle by the stripes placed upon His back? My thoughts were on the Word of God and not on doctors. If I had gone through everything people were trying to tell me to do or not to do, I would have entered into an area of doubt and unbelief ’s breeding ground. I am 100% convinced that if I had gone that route, I would be in a grave right this very moment. You can call me stubborn; you can call me hard headed. It does not matter to me. But one thing you can call me is “Roger the HEALED”. Being hard- headed and stubborn is fine as long as you use it in the right direction! To order a copy visit rogerwebb.org
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:05:24 +0000

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