Taken off the Leash By Mark Stise The Gunship banked as it - TopicsExpress


Taken off the Leash By Mark Stise The Gunship banked as it flew in the night sky of Coruscant, inside were two clone captains of the famed 501st. Rex looked over at his led Company Commander, he knew War Dog back when the clone was a Shiny on Umbara. His Trooper had gone from a high strung hot tempered solider. To leader of his own Arc squad and finally company commander of an elite company of clones. It was safe to safe Rex knew his friend well, and even with his helmet on Rex still knew War Dog was bothered by something. Rex recalled how less than ten days ago the murderous ARC Trooper Drooler had escaped from prison. General Skyalker and Rex had mobilized War Dog and the original members of his Arc team to hunt down and bring the renegade clone in. Besides the fact that both War Dog and Drooler were batch brothers they were both polar opposites in many ways. War Dog was hot tempered, fiercely loyal with a strong dedication to duty and unpredictable in a combat situation. Drooler never did anything without a plan and would go to great lengths to win at any cost. He was even tempered cold and calculating; when he realized War Dog and his team were sent to bring him in. Drooler wasted no time in hitting War Dog where it would hurt him the most. One by one War Dog was baited into traps designed with only one purpose, to force him to watch his men die in front of him. The first was War Dog’s second in command Sergeant Major Bull, who was trapped inside an elevator that rocketed straight down forty floors. Then Sergeant Ace who was killed by a sniper shot to the head while riding his At-Rt. One by one the members of the original ARC team were being picked off and it was clear to Rex that War Dog was being saved for last. Rex knew if he didn’t intervene and do something there wouldn’t be any of the original Timber Wolf’s left. Rex managed to surprise the renegade ARC before he was able to pick of the last two members of War Dog’s original team. They fought across many abandoned buildings in the under city levels beneath Coruscant before Rex was able to finally bring Drooler to justice. **** Rex looked over at War Dog of all his friends’ adventures losing virtually his entire team to Drooler was his biggest failure. Rex was able to tell his friend was still hurting, but he was no good to General Skywalker if War Dog didn’t get his head back in the game, especially now. “Hey!” Rex snapped getting the clones attention. “The general needs you sharp, I need you sharp!” “Yes sir.” War Dog nodded, the clone was beginning to learn to hate the core worlds. First Drooler, now Commander Tano. “Rex maybe there is some explanation.” The begin trying to find some reason behind the maddess that was going on. “There nothing to explain, I was there with General Skywalker and Commander Fox. Commander Ahsoka Tano killed three troopers with her lightsabers, the General himself issued the order to have her captured alive. But she is still to be considered armed and extremely dangerous.” Rex then paused as he saw War Dog staring out into the open night air. “ARE YOU READING ME CAPTAIN?!” Rex finally snapped at his friend. “SIR YES SIR, READING YOU LOUD AND CLEAR REX!” War Dog sounded off as the Gunship they were on settled on one of the Jedi Temple’s landing bays. The Commander of Timber Wolf Company stepped off the ship on to the hanger. He turned as he realized Rex wasn’t coming with him. “Aren’t you coming Rex?” Rex chuckled to himself; he knew War Dog felt intimidated by high ranking officers he didn’t know. For people like himself, Commander Cody, General Skywalker and High General Kenobi War Dog was find. But if he ran into the like of High Grand master Yoda his friend might just start stammering on like a Shiny. “The General wanted to see you,” Rex said as he decided to lighten the mood with his subordinate. “Don’t worry War Dog there’s only about a hundred or so Jedi and thirty or so Padiwans between here and General Skywalker’s quarters. “ Rex smirked just to watch his friend’s reaction. “That’s just great!” The Timber Wolf Captain sneered; there was little chance of him not running into someone at the temple. Then when War Dog saw Rex step off the gunship himself and on to the platform he felt more at ease. “I hate you sometimes boss.” He realized Rex was just teasing him, he himself had only been in the temple twice before. Rex could not forget the first time Ashoka Tano and War Dog met. It was just after the Umbara campaign War Dog was just a Trooper then and assigned to the detention block for guard duty. **** (Flashback) Ashoka watch almost with a devious smile as Rex tried to explain to her master Anakin Skywalker about the new Trooper he was taking on. Anakin seemed less then impressed with the new trooper’s record. “I don’t know Rex; this clone seems to a lot to take on. Failed out of flight school transferred to be a combat medic where he punched his instructor in the face?!” The Jedi looked up at his second in command. “I know it looks bad sir, but this Trooper wants to be a good soldier. He just needs someone to show him how to channel that anger.” Rex quickly thought, “I just think War Dog needs that chance.” “War Dog?!” Anakin said with curiosity “Are you taking on a Padiwan or a pet Rex?” Rex was a little shocked at first and wasn’t sure how to answer “Umm…. Neither sir!” The clone eyes shot a look at Commander Tano as she began to giggle. “It seemed an appropriate name to give.” The clone captain looked at both Ashoka and Anakin. “I have him in the detention area pulling guard duty as we speak.” “Alright Rex, War Dog can stay, but if your hound uses anything other than a battle droid as a chew toy. Or so much as wets the deck plates or jumps on the furniture his out!” Anakin looked at his Padiwan as she couldn’t help but giggle. **** Ashoka walked down to the distension area, the prisoner that she and her master Anakin Skywalker captured was still not talking. Perhaps she might discover something on her own; but she also wanted to take a look at the 501st newest Trooper. She talked with the Sergeant in Change of that area of the cell block, CT 876532 was guarding the very prisoner she and her master took into custody. As Ashoka approached the clone snapped to attention and leveled his weapon in salute. “Sir..” Ashoka didn’t sense any anger and clones all looked alike, his armor was only slightly dirty. There was a good change this Trooper served in the Umbara campaign. “I’m just going to be a few minutes with the prisoner.” She said almost as an afterthought. War Dog side stepped himself directly in front of Ashoka and held his weapon in a more combat posture. “I’m sorry Commander, but General Skywalker’s orders were that nobody but Jedi are allowed to see the prisoner.” Ashoka looked shocked, Rex said the Trooper was hot tempered but he never said anything about him not being too bright. ”Hel-lo I am a Jedi..” She said to the soldier. “You look more like a Youngling to me.” War Dog sneered. “Why you…” Ashoka could not believe what the clone just said. “I’m Master Skywalker Padiwan! Now stand aside Trooper, THAT’S AN ORDER!” “Sorry sir! By you own admission you’re just a Padiwan and the General orders were only Jedi can see the prisoner! “War Dog sneered back, the trooper’s orders were clear and this Padiwan wasn’t getting in to see his prisoner no matter what. “But I am a Jedi!” She snapped back “Not for a few more years at least!” War Dog said sarcastically. “Why you…” She remembered to control her anger then got a devious idea. “Trooper?” She said with a sense of innocence. “What!” War Dog snapped. She waved she hand in front of the clones face. “Go to sleep!” and employed the Jedi Mind Trick. She knew clones were very susceptible and almost chuckled and the Trooper staged back against the wall and literally side down and collapsed into a deep sleep with his weapon lying across his lap. “Very good War Dog, if you’re very good I’ll teach you to roll over and fetch a stick.” ****End of Flashback**** Rex chuckled to himself as War Dog turned “What’s so funny?” he wondered. “Nothing..” he admitted and noticed they were at General Skywalker’s quarters “Here we are.” Rex walked inside with War Dog “I brought him sir, as ordered.” He said to the Jedi. War Dog looked Genreal Skywalker was sitting with his back to them but when he turned the chair around to face the two clones he saw that scowl. It reminded War Dog of his younger days when Rex, Vill and the Bounty Hunter who trained him on Kamino use to look when he mess something up. He decided to stiffen to attention and sound off. “Captain War Dog reporting as ordered sir!” “This is an unofficial mission War Dog, I want Ashoka found! Rex will feed you all the latest intel that we get from the temple. But you have to find her first and bring her in.” All the Jedi’s hopes lay with Rex’s Trooper. “General… sir with respect the under-city is huge and there are a million places Commander Tano could be hiding.” He tried to explain but the Jedi cut him off. “I WANT HER FOUND WAR DOG, I DON’T WANT EXCUSES!” Aankin could sense the fear growing inside the clone. He decided to insure the Timber Wolf commander gave him more than 100% effort. “DON’T FAIL ME!” He pointed to him with an intimidating fashion. Please comment on what you think of my story!!! Joanne Beck Wicker Man Steve WelnickeErin Gaffney James Antoine Domminik Elliott Darren Elliott
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:31:02 +0000

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