Talking with a friend (the indomitable Frank Leopold) about Motley - TopicsExpress


Talking with a friend (the indomitable Frank Leopold) about Motley Crues latest publicity stunt and I had to make clear why I cared about this supposed Farewell tour. My theory is Mick Mars is on his way out and he wants to go on stage. Hes suffered a lot in the last 15-20 years and hes brittle. I know its morbid but if the band is going out like this then I might have to go. Even though I havent liked them since I saw the Smokin in the Boys Room video. Even then I thought it was alright. The main reason I care about these guys at all is because their first two records in particular the Shout at the Devil record. First off, Id like to say to my religious friends and family members, RELAX that album was not about Satanism (and I wouldnt care it if was). So, back to the music in question. Let me set the stage. This record messed me up when I was a kid. I was at a party for 12 and 13 year olds (is that what tweens are?) and this was in DR (Alma Rosa, en la casa de las hermanas Fama to be exact) and we were all dancing to the B52s on the radio. It was very innocent. All of us just dancing with each other (no close dancing - there were some parents there, buddy). You could tell who were going to be the heavy drinkers in a few years because of the way they held onto their bottles of Orange Crush - as if they holding on to the high handrail on a subway car coming to a complete stop - steady but leaning to the side, ya know? Well Rock Lobster came to an end and a commercial came on. Yes, we actually listened to the radio. In this case it Radio LIstin because they didnt have on air DJs making it perfect for that party on the cheap (the other station we listened to LaX was better but with a lot of talk). Radio Listin was like Pandora but with better Genomes an at these Radio Listin parties the commercial break was when the majority of the kids went to the kitchen for another round of Soda, home made Mabi or Jugo de whatever tree was in the backyard. We didnt need redbull, we had sugar water (sans Taurine). A few of the kids who werent thirsty stood around the stereo (like we were apt to do back in the day because stereo systems were like national monuments - youd just stand there and stare). After the last commercial and radio station bumper (Radio Listin con la hora: son las ocho) the radio went silent. No biggie. Nobody cared because we were used to things going silent all of a suddent in DR because of the blackouts. But we still had electricity, todavia hay luz said someone in the back. I walked up to the stereo and was about to turn up the radio volume up and I swear on my fathers Jose Jose record collection that It was as big as the bottom half of a beer can. I looked around to see if any of the parents were looking (you didnt touch other peoples stereos back in the day - my dad had a lock on his - I wont go there). I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and turned it up. After a few seconds this came on: In the Beginning (click on the video now for the full effect - Im sorry I cant afford a PA to stand behind you now to click on for you on cue but work with me, please). It was pretty much over after hearing that. It was like the scene in the first Superman movie when Clark Kent goes to the fortress of solitude and gets that speech from the Marlon Brandos floating head. It felt like years had passed and by the time iShout at the Devil ended my clothes were ripped, I had eyeliner on and one hair grew on my chest. Me and the other two guys turned around to everybody else at the party and they seemed like aliens to me. I wanted to bang on some drums, scream, and smash a guitar. So, I went outside and looked at the stars and tried to figure out how I was going to get my hands on that record. Somebody standing next to me said Diablo, que apero! which translates into Damn, that was tight. Yes, it was. I guess I am going to see Motley Crues final tour after all.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 22:53:51 +0000

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