Tama ang sabi ni Pope....piecemeal war na. Unti-unting giyera... - TopicsExpress


Tama ang sabi ni Pope....piecemeal war na. Unti-unting giyera... happening in stages.... Sana marealize na ng mundo that war is not good for anyone, for everyone. Pope Francis warned of a “piecemeal” World War III with all the crimes, massacres, and destruction currently happening around the globe. Francis visited the Austro-Hungarian Cemetery of Fogliano di Redipuglia in northeastern Italy on Saturday to commemorate the 100th year anniversary of World War I, USA Today reported. In his most emotional speech yet, the pontiff stressed that all war is “madness” and “irrational” as it ruins everything, including relationships. “Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction,” Francis said at a mass at the Italian Military Memorial of Redipuglia. “War is madness. … War ruins everything, even the bonds between brothers. War is irrational; its only plan is to bring destruction: It seeks to grow by destroying.” “Today, too, the victims are many,” he said, lamenting that the human casualties of “senseless massacres” and “mindless wars” has been faced with apathy. This is the pope’s third stern warning to the world about the mounting threat of worsening global conflicts: in July, he first appealed to stop the war in Gaza, where hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered. In August, as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) advanced in the borders of the two countries, Francis backed the usage of force to “stop the unjust aggressor” in the region, but warned states of using the pretext of defense to conquer territories, The Daily Beast reported. Redipuglia is Italy’s largest war memorial, which entombs at least 100,000 Italian soldiers killed in battle, 60,000 of which are unnamed. Francis’ visit to the memorial is also very personal: he spoke just a few miles away from where his paternal grandfather, Giovanni Carlo Bergoglio, fought along the Isonzo River near the Slovenian border during World War I, a decade before the latter immigrated to Argentina. An Italian defense ministry official presented the pope with his grandfather’s military record and the parents of an Italian soldier killed in Afghanistan last year offered Francis with the distinctive Bersagliere cap worn by the Piedmontese corps, where his grandfather served.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:54:42 +0000

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