Tara&Rama is updating us on the current development. Rama is a - TopicsExpress


Tara&Rama is updating us on the current development. Rama is a son of Ashtar. So the ISIS group in Iraq is recycling the old scheme of creating trouble, choreographed war, old stuff as told by Zorra. That must end into Love absolute and final. Let us learn from these experiences. ~~~~~~~~~~ Tara&Rama Report 6-24-14 Tara and Rama: Greetings! Tara:. Everyone! I think I want to start with, that on the Summer Solstice, Lady Master Isis came riding in on that Summer Solstice wave. And that means that everybody is just going to come into a way-higher vibration, and the intuition gets piqued, and just to comprehend that being on the Isis Ray is more like what were talking about. Those of us who have passed certain tests, then were all in line for bringing that Ray in. Rama: Mhmm. Tara: Its not an individual thing, not just the one Isis test. Thats very old stuff. And were in world group service, so it brings in the Great Mystery into your life, and to comprehend with a clear mind, as our sister Tehani who is a Dalai Lama Sathana, she is another himself, as he said. Rama: Mhmm. Tara: He actually as a female brought her through as equal to him in the female body. And again, thats very important right now, that East meets West. Thats when the feminine is in equality. The reverse of the High Priestess of the Isis Ray is to still have hidden agendas. You may not be aware of the fact that you still do, yet ask her to show you, and be willing to listen to your inner voice very much more than the outer that has been more predominant in our lives. Tara: So that being said then, Im going to say also that, Im not sure who said it – it was Tom the Cat. Rama: Yeah. Tara: He came in a while back and he said that this issue with the ISIS [Islamic State in Iraq and Syria]group, you know, put this Isis energy on the ISIS group.. Rama: Yes. Tara:..and change this whole thing around. Rama: This is giving a bad name to the Goddess Isis, and the group in Iraq have nothing to do with the Goddess Isis. It has everything to do with John McCain, and Lindsay Graham, and all the other Republicans who want to create a war in the Middle East, and you know, call Obama the failed President because he didnt clean up the mess in Iraq the first time, which he never did [create]. Tara: Well, you can also call it the ISIL Group. That “L” stands for the word Levant. But nonetheless, the group represents somebody’s idea of starting this war again, as Fran was saying, that this was a good way they figured they could all just file out and not be held accountable for what they did the first time around. And they started to, they meaning the Saudis, I know you can remember back far enough to remember that Mr. McCain and the President [Prime Minister] of Japan, Rama: Oh, Shinzo Abe. Tara: ..Abe, got in the middle of this along with the Saudi Prince Bandar, whos back in the news again, and they all poisoned children in Syria. While this little groups been hanging out together for some long time. Remember when youre hearing Prince Bandars name youre hearing Bandar Bush! So youre back with the Republican.. Rama: ..Neocons. Tara: Also Nazi collaborators with that connection there. Rama: The guy who was called Osama Bin Laden was one of the business partners of this whole group. Tara: Yes, but this group is much more represented by the 13 families root with secret agendas. So the Saudis have been putting their money, by the suggestion of McCain, you know, to back this particular ISIS group for the last three years in Syria. And they have been just working behind the scenes, and again these folks premeditate their work. They absolutely do. They have a jump start on this. The PNAC group, the ‘Project For The New American Century’ was really formed in the 70s. Rama: Yes. Tara: And they had all these fail-safe methods that they figured they could use. And they had them all set up back then, and flushing them out now. I hope by now that youre catching on to this. So [Goddess] Isis showing up right now is no small potatoes! Just to make that clear. Tara: And then also there is this flower thats blooming. And it only blooms once every 3000 years. It stays around, and shows up all over the planet for about 20 years, and then it goes another 3000 years. And the last time that it bloomed was before the Siddharta Buddha came to the planet. It was before that. Rama: Oh my! Tara: It was before that. Rama: Wow. Tara: So this is a, these are very, very powerful... Rama: ..big signs! Tara: These are the deities of the kingdoms of the third creation, which are, which creation is that, thats the Devas and the Fairies, all of these things. Ashtar even talked about it a couple three times ago or something. And its really important that as youre a fairy in a human light, there are many of you now, because the humans really needed that light-ening up energy. So, you are on. Your job is on right now. Tara: And I just wanted to also mention that the people of, you know, the border’s completely gone. There’s no borders in between Syria or Iraq. And as we brought up before, the Aramean people which are Magdalene, Yeshu, and Miriai his mothers, people. Yeshu was raised Aramean, his mother was from the land where Syria is now. There is this very big article, and I am just going to put it here so you can go and look it up. It’s called Aram-Nahrin.org. The article is talking about The Aramean, Syria, Iraq, and the Blind Leading the Blind. Thats the title of it. But it says these indigenous people of ancient Iraq and Syria are the people of the Aramean background. And that the land at the ancient time was called Aram-nahrin, and in the present day we call it Mesopotamia. So this really gives an in-depth look at how theres intentions for decades and decades to completely eviscerate and ethnically cleanse Christs people from the planet. And thats why theres so much going on in Iraq and also in Syria. These people have an innate, intuitive memory, and as Isis shows up here that intuitive memory is being awakened. Rama: Its in the ‘Midi-chlorians,’ The Force, the mitochondriathat’s in our DNA thats calling us all to active duty right now. And the whole story about Iraq or Iruk is about the stargates, and there is a major stargate in Aleppo. This is why Mr.Bashar Al Assad, courtesy of the West, is creating this horror story in Syria. Tara: Now the 13 families are the ones who run the show here. They are petrified, as Sam Seder said on Monday. Rama: Yes. Tara: And they will be found out, and that they are not from this world, that they are what they call skin-walking, reptilian shape-shifters from another dimensional time-space continuum. And somebody who is embedded in the belly of the beast, as it were, and Sam Seder brought up that it is the guy on Fox News that we all know, his name is Sheppard Smith. And we were told by the King [KOS/King of Swords] right at the very, this was back in... Rama:..2001, 2002. Tara: Even before that. Rama: Yeah. Tara:..that Sheppard Smith was a White Knight. And he voluntarily came into the belly of that beast, where the moment is now that hes here to do some work. And the King of Swords said Sheppard just may get out on Fox News and say, this story I have to tell you tonight is much more important than what I have here on my roster that Im supposed to talk to you about. And Sheppard will tell the story of Sekhmet on Fox News - Im telling you - and her Nibiruan Paschat people. Now this is time to be brave. You know, people may laugh, but when you get it out there, thats a big deal. Go right for the jugular. Tara: And also what Tom the Cat told Rama back on the same day is that the 13 families have, you must say, gone against Mother Sekhmets future self, which is called Maat. And so there are the 42 principals of Maat. Originally they were given in the negative, yet they have also been given in the positive in more recent times. So, I know Fran gets tired of listening to me talk from a reading roster, but Im going to just put it into the record. This is our job from now on! When Isis shows up, the high priestess shows up with her, and theres a high priestess in every one of us, no matter whether were male or female. And this is the job of the high priestess now and forever more. I honor virtue I benefit with gratitude I am peaceful I respect the property of others I affirm that all life is sacred I give offerings that are genuine I live in truth I regard all alters with respect I speak with sincerity I consume only my fair share I offer words of good intent I relate to peace I honor animals with reverence I can be trusted I care for the Earth I keep my own counsel I speak positively of others I remain in balance with my emotions I am trustful in my relationships I hold purity in high esteem I spread joy I do the best I can I communicate with compassion I listen to opposing opinions I create harmony I invoke laughter I am open to love in various forms I am forgiving I am kind I ask respectfully of others I am accepting I follow my inner guidance I converse with awareness I do good I give blessings I keep the waters pure I speak with good intent I praise the Goddess and the God I am humble I achieve with integrity I advance through my own abilities I embrace The All Tara: And that is the 42 ideals of Maat, Mother Sekhmets future self, which is the community world group service that we all are responsible for now. And so the remnant hybridization of Mother’s not-so-nice Satanist Niburu children, Sheppard will tell us they are reptiles and that the 13 families are that. And that this is a power that no longer has a hold on the collective mind and hearts of the people. And that their intentions were all along to collect all the gold on the planet as a down payment to buy out the planet from Mother’s warrior Paschats for the light. Rama: [chuckling] Tara: Only one thing, the planet is not for sale! And they cannot buy it for any price. Send them love everybody, because they are terrified and they know that the line has been drawn in the sand. And Rama was told again that Angela Merkel is going to have to stand in front of the world, and tell the world the full story of her father Hitler and her mother Eva Braun, and the whole entire saga of the Nazi Third Reich. It needs to be an open book for everyone to comprehend now, and to bring it into our present awareness of the Fourth Reich times weve been in since 1949 date. And the story goes back before ancient Lemuria. It goes all the way back to the great silent Watchers and the Wingmakers who have been here all the way up to 175 million years from the future, and theyll come back to the present now. And they are the ones, along with the silent Watchers, that have kept us on track. So let us praise and love and honor, and have gratitude for their presence, and forevermore their determination to keep us on track. Tara: This whole story has everything to do with NESARA [The Reformation Act] Sam Seder said that on the air on Monday! Rama: Yes. Tara: After [unknown] said it on Saturday, you know, he said theres no way any kind of war is going to do anything different, any kind of good or bad or ugly in Iraq. And theres only one thing that will help, [he] said, and thats that NESARA is the only thing that will help. So again, every other day now you just listen for NESARA popping up or the Reformation Act. And he said, dont ask me any more questions, I wont give you any more answers. Yet Sam [Seder] said we are watching the ultimate end story here. We have to take it out to the realm where it involves the Captain America and the Avengers and the Jedi Council. Do not forget Captain Picard though, in this story, because he is the real great statesman. He is the real one who has a way of explaining things that leave Bill Clinton in the dust. And understand that things are going on, and things are going on that are being said are going on. And he said, Lord Rama, your father is in town! Rama: [Chuckles] Tara: And that’s that. And [Lady] Nada told us that the truth will be told about Egypt. You understand that these Al Jazeera journalists were sentenced to 7-10 years, and about a week ago another journalist who did nothing wrong was sentenced to 15 years. And theres dozens and dozens of other journalists that are in the Egyptian prisons. The way Nada said it is that, Egypt is being pressured by Israel and the United States, in terms of the 13 families that run things in Israel and the United Sates. Because Al Jazeera has had an intention to expose Israel as the war criminals that they have all been declared as in the war crimes tribunals in that place in Malaysia. Rama: Oh, Kuala Lumpur. Tara:..Kuala Lumpur. And that means that the whole country and everybody in the country has been declared as committing war crimes. Why? Because of the very policy that the people in the country voted for. The very policy that Israel holds as a country is against Cosmic Law. As a country of people, send them more Love to overcome this, because they have decided that Palestinians are less then human.. Rama: Right. Tara:..And that they deserve and should be in an open air prison like this. And that the country’s policies are set that way. So this is a big deal everybody. And remember that country has been controlling our Congress from over there since the Fourth Reich showed up in 1949. So we got to go I know, okay lets see, one more thing. Palestinian apartheid is no more and the United States Republicans and many blue dog Democrats are all collaborating with these Nazi principals of the Fourth Reich kind, in Ukraine, and Syria, and Iraq, and Afghanistan, and the fake Al-Qaeda all-CIA-duh. Egypt has incurred the wrath of Maat. And for all the children of the 13 tribes of Israel, the mission is the 42 Laws of Maat. And Insha’Allah, I am another yourself. Sat Nam, Everyone. Tara: Oh, one more thing, there was an article that came out about money called this 77, what was that called Rama? Rama: 77 countries? Tara: No, the G77. Rama: Right. Tara: And its completely black ops everybody. I just wanted you to be clear on that because it comes from Drake, and thats Faction 2, and the King got really on the case. He said, right now we are really watching everyone, anyone that is still holding on to dinars or anything like that. It is time to push it all the way back and get your money back for what you paid for. Get it completely out of your energy field, because anybody who is still holding onto that energy is not a candidate to receive from NESARA. And it’s actually working to keep it from happening. And lets get this thing together and invite people to come together now, and contemplate like this. Listen to Ashtar, because they’re on the ground now. And Mother [Sekhmet], listen to Mother. NESARA now! Sat Nam. Transcription by Julie. ashtarontheroad/tara-rama-report-6-24-14.html Tara & Rama appreciate your donations. You will find the Donate button here: 2013rainbowroundtable.ning/ © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 06:40:04 +0000

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