Team formed to probe fingers burning incident February 22, - TopicsExpress


Team formed to probe fingers burning incident February 22, 2014 ISRAR AHMAD 0 RAWALPINDI - A four-member committee has been formed by the administration of Benazir Bhutto Hospital (BBH) to probe the negligence of doctors and nursing staff during a surgery in which a patient’s fingers were burnt due to a heater. The committee comprises Associate Professor Dr Naeem, AMS Dr Rafique, Dr Masood Pervaiz and Nursing Superintendent Mumtaz Begum, informed sources, adding that the committee would grill doctors and nursing staff present at the time of surgery in Surgical Unit (SU) II. Sources said the hospital administration also obtained the CCTV footage of the unit and it would be seen as to who turned on the heater and why they did not take care of the patient, whose fingers were burnt. The committee would present its finding report to BBH Medical Superintendent Dr Asif Qadir within three days, sources said. A shopkeeper namely Shohaib Khadim was shot and injured critically by a gang of robbers during a dacoity bid at Chakri Road and was later shifted to BBH by Rescue 1122 where doctors carried out his surgery to save his life. The left hand of patient was burnt badly on a heater placed near stretcher at SU-II in the operation theatre (OT). This shocked the attendants. However, the doctors did not mention the burn injuries in discharge slip to save their skin from any possible heat. But the patient’s attendants did not sit silent as they brought the matter in the notice of the MS who constituted a four-member committee to investigate the matter. The burnt patient Shohaib, while talking to The Nation, said that the injuries were severe and he might loss his middle and index fingers. He said that he showed his hand to doctors at CMH but they said they could not treat as the fingers were burnt badly and treatment was not possible. On the other hand, BBH MS Dr Asif Qadir Mir said the treatment of the patient was possible as he readmitted the patient to provide him treatment. “I am hopeful that the doctors will save Shohaib from amputation of his fingers,” he said On a query, Dr Asif Qadir Mir said that strict action would be taken against those found guilty of negligence as per rules and regulation.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 13:38:17 +0000

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