#TeamSteffy ... This is the #BoldandBeautiful Article that was the - TopicsExpress


#TeamSteffy ... This is the #BoldandBeautiful Article that was the inspiration for our Main Question. Please Read It so you can gain a better understanding of the reason for the question. ARTICLE: What about Maya? The beautiful and talented Maya Avant became part of our story in January 2013. The story was compelling. Girl from the Midwest runs away to Los Angeles to follow her dream of acting and singing. Gets into trouble. Pregnant and in prison for a crime she didnt commit; upon her release she is on the streets looking desperately for the child she gave up for adoption. Tragedy, drama, loss redemption and forgiveness; this story had the potential to have it all. She meets her Prince Charming in the form of Rick Forester when he is enchanted with her singing. A trip to Rodeo Drive and the Cinderella story is complete. It sounds wonderful and if all that had played out in months of soap opera days of reel time the story of Maya would have been unforgettable. The acting was top notch, the story compelling, though rushed and upstaged some days with the never-ending triangle Rick and Maya were believable. The story continued with challenges for the couple from all sides including a two day story of Jessie the ex-boyfriend. The couple developed nicely and overcame every trick and life struggle in the short time they had. But, then it all changed. Maya, the girl who hadnt lost her Midwestern charm and down to earth values of truth, openness and drive for a better life, was changed. Writers decided to turn her into a diva deluxe. With her debut of the internet series of Room8 Maya became suddenly self-centered and narcissistic. Maya and Rick broke up. Rick was with Caroline. Maya was with Carter and the story of Maya dropped like a rock from the scene. There have been a few other appearances here and there. She gave her blessing to Crick on their wedding day and Maya and Caroline made peace. There was a one day story of a kiss with Oliver and now suddenly Maya is Alys protector. But the story of Maya has been lost. Although the story of Maya isnt the only story sacrificed and warped from its hopeful beginning for the sake of other repetitive storylines we know, it is probably one of the best examples of a story sacrificed for the myopic viewpoints that need to be changed at the studio and writing level of the Bold and Beautiful. 1) Rushed story arcs, choppiness and loss of momentum. If a story is not the triangle story of Hope the story will take a lot of effort on the viewers part to buy in and follow it. Maya was introduced with several themes. She was from the streets, her connection to Dayzee and the loss of Mayas baby. This drama would be enough for a front line story of epic proportions. Unfortunately there were two other front line stories at the same time; Brill and the never ending triangle. By summer the introduction of Jessie, the father of Mayas baby, was cut to two days and was a non-factor. All momentum was lost. 2) Personality change. As with Caroline with her fall from her Uncle Bills balcony, Mayas character was changed. A woman of substance with a history and future that could have been explored was turned into a two dimensional character that was selfish and petty. 3) Social climbing and class envy. There is a big difference between reaching for your dreams and trying to succeed in life and wanting to tear others down because they have more than you. In the beginning, although Maya had lost much in life, she still had hope for a better future. A self contained, self aware and confident person who was independent and ready to make her life what she wanted on her own merits. But her devolution in her relationships and interactions with Dayzee and Caroline were always Class based and devalued Mayas character. The same is being played out in the Fullers story from the Warehouse district. 4) Stereotypes. There have been in recent years five frontline African-American characters on the Bold and the Beautiful. Justin, the high school sports hero who went to college on a basketball scholarship. Justin blew out his knee and lost his dreams of a basketball career and became an attorney instead. Marcus and Carter from a foster home. Dayzee and Maya from “skid row”. The one possibility of a front line Hispanic (or Latino whichever she prefers) character was Beverly. A young woman also from the streets, brought into Forester Creations by Queen Stephanie herself, only to be accused by Hope of stealing. Beverly was guilty until proven innocent and the character soon exited. The actress is now the lead in the new CW series, Jane, the Virgin. Could there be any more stereotypes? Using only stereotypes to define minority characters is one of the factors that lead to dead end story lines. Once you have the Cinderella story provided by the lily-colored family in Bel Aire, what else is there? Karla Mosley is an experienced actress. She has three Emmy nominations to her credit. She has been in A-rate movies such as Men in Black 3, had numerous appearances on prime time network series and was a contract player with Guiding Light. She is an accomplished singer, plays the piano and violin and is an all around decent person with her charity work as an example. Her accomplishments are too numerous to list here so I will direct you attention to her full resume and her IMDB listing. Her grace and beauty are obvious and her “girl next door” smile would melt anyone. Karla Mosley deserves better than this. Karla and the character she has played deserve better. There is a chance, if I might be so bold to suggest that the character of Maya could be more and in turn have more air time. Maya is from a family in the Midwest. Perhaps the family was well off and the only reason she broke away was because of her desire to have a career in acting of which they disapproved. She didnt turn to them when she was pregnant and alone for fear of their disapproval. A visit from a thunderous father from the Midwest, looking for his wayward daughter could jumpstart the story of Maya as we find out the true privileged background from which she sprung. This is one idea and I am sure there are others. But, the character of Maya, the Story of Maya has the potential to be something great and new and groundbreaking for Bold. The viewers deserve this and Karla Mosley certainly does. boldandbeautifulfans/article4.html
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:48:25 +0000

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