Tell***Them! Rivers Crisis Can Truncate Democracy- Abdulsalami - TopicsExpress


Tell***Them! Rivers Crisis Can Truncate Democracy- Abdulsalami Abubakar Former Head of State General Abdulsalami Abubakar warned yesterday that the political crisis in Rivers State poses a threat to democracy. He also warned that our fledgling democracy may be truncated if politicians in the state and indeed in the country failed to put their house in order and avoid overheating the polity. Gen. Abubakar spoke during an interactive session with members of the Correspondents Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Niger State chapter in his Minna home. Describing the crisis as “sad” and “unfortunate”, the former military leader counselled politicians in the state to embrace peace in the interest of democracy and what it stood for. Said Gen. Abubakar: “I hope those involved would take note of what democracy is and check themselves. What has happened in Rivers State is very sad. I hope that the politicians will try to put a break and reflect on what they are doing in order not to truncate democracy.” He urged politicians to stop taking democracy for granted, adding that there is a limit to what freedom is all about in a democracy. “In democracy, there is a limit to what freedom is all about. There is freedom of speech, freedom of association and what have you, but this stops when you start infringing on others freedom,” Gen Abubakar counselled. The Peace Ambassador, who has brokered peace in many African warring countries, prayed for peace in Nigeria as he maintained that no nation can exist without peace. “Having been involved in peace process around the world on behalf of the African Union (AU), I always advocated for peace in our nation because I’ve seen the devastation of unrest in other countries. I pray the tidings of Ramandan would abide with all of us,” Gen. Abubakar said. Source: 247NigeriaNews
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 01:34:56 +0000

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