Tell your kids you love them. Again and again and again. Support - TopicsExpress


Tell your kids you love them. Again and again and again. Support them. Love them for who they are, not for what you want them to be. Dont be a bully. Ever. Not in school, not in college, not at work, not in any of your hobbies. Respect and tolerate people for who they are. And especially dont be a bully to your children. Teach them tolerance and respect with your own actions. Show them how much you love them. Ive been bullied. I got told by people Im ugly and got asked why I am not like the other women. It CRUSHES you. Stuff like that destroyed my self confidence and it is a hell of a battle to build it up again. Now imagine it 1000times more difficult for people who feel born in the wrong body or who get harassed for loving someone of the same gender. Dont be that person who causes others pain. Be the person who encourages and supports people. Be the person who spreads love and appreciation. Next time you see someone alone at school, work or anywhere - Go to them. Say Hi. Ask them how they are. It could be someone really needs a kind word and a warm smile. I refuse to live a life led by hate, pain and jealousy. I refuse to live a senseless life. Positivity and love is my way of life. Give someone a smile today and on every other day of the year. You might make someones day. You might save someone. Make a difference. Care. The new year is coming closer and closer. I thought a lot about what I want to change and whats important for me in my life. For next year I want to be a better person. I want to do good and encourage people. I want to inspire and spread positivity and love. I want to be a better daughter, a better aunt and work as hard as I can. I also want to be a better friend, because I know I havent been a good one in the past year. Im sorry I left some of you alone. I want you all to know that I really love and appreciate every single one of you and I support and encourage you in any situation. Ill always be here to listen to you if you dont feel well or just want to talk. You are not alone. Im here and I care. #love
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:49:11 +0000

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