Ten missionaries paradise 7 Abu Abeida Secretary of this - TopicsExpress


Ten missionaries paradise 7 Abu Abeida Secretary of this nation. Is Amer bin Abdullah bin surgeon bin Hilal bin equivalents bin Harith bin Fahr , of Kenana , also known as Abu Ubaida . The first two of the former to Islam , a secretary of this nation , which is one of the ten promised Paradise , immigrated to Abyssinia , and then returned to Mecca , and immigrated to the city. The Battle of Badr , and all of the scenes , and the day of Badr Abu Ubaida killed his father , he was an infidel prosecuted Abu Obeida to kill him. Lah Omar and the leadership of armies . Abu Ubaidah died in the plague of Emmaus eighteen years of migration. 8 Talha bin Obeid-Allah Talha good. Is Talha bin Obeid-Allah ibn Uthman ibn Amr ibn Kab bin Saad al-Qurashi al-Tamimi . From the former to Islam , and those who were tortured in Gods severe punishment , which is one of the ten promised Paradise . Has not seen full because he fumbles News polytheists Baham , he called the Prophet peace be upon him on a Talha goodness, and on nostalgia Talha generosity , and on brackish Talha al-Fayad , scuff on a good job , and carry the Apostle on his shoulders , and wounded invasive and seventy injured , and cut his finger . Soraya was a lot of money , many handouts. Chosen by Omar ibn al-Khattab when he died within six , are the owners of the Shura ; to choose a successor to the Muslims among them. He was severely Osman in charm , but it did not satisfy kill him , and he would say : Oh God, take me to Osman until you are satisfied . Subscribe to war against the sentences , but the supreme word km Zubair Faragaa for fighting , but they were killed and who killed Talha is Marwan ibn al-Hakam . 9 Abdul Rahman bin Auf Abdul Rahman bin Auf a eight former to Islam , he was offered Abu Bakr Islam what cloud it is not slower , but hastened to the Prophet - peace be upon him - Ibayah Immediately after his conversion to Islam carry his share of the persecution of the idolaters , emigrated to Abyssinia immigration first, second , and emigrated to the city with Muslims and saw the scenes as a whole, was shot on a twenty surgeon one left Arja always in the leg , also landed some inbuilt and stopped whatman clear uttered and his 000 trade was - may Allah be pleased with him - lucky trade to some extent raised Jbh said: (Ive seen me if they raised stone to found beneath silver and gold ) 000 and trade was when Abdul Rahman bin Auf pursuant to and in order not to raise money but to live Sharif , and this is what we see when the brothers of the Prophet - peace be upon him - between immigrants and supporters , Vaky between Abdul Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin spring , he said Saad Abdel- Rahman : ( my brother Im more the people of the city money , see bisected financial thigh , and the undertow two women , see mandates impressed you even launched and marry her ) 000 , said Abdul Rahman : ( God bless you in your family and the owner , Dlona on the market ) 000 and went to the market bought and sold and the profit of 000 Gods right trade was Abdul Rahman bin Auf not him alone , but God, and Muslims really where , he had heard the Prophet - peace be upon him - say one day: ( O bin Auf you rich , and you will enter paradise crawling , Vokarz God called you to your feet ) 000 and since that time , which lends Allah a goodly loan , Fadhaafh God has exponentially , it has sold one day to the ground by forty thousand dinars teams are all on the family of the children of flower and mothers of Muslims and poor Muslims , and made five hundred horse of the armies of Islam , and another day thousand five hundred deceased , and at his death recommended fifty thousand dinars for the sake of God , four hundred dinars for each of the left who witnessed the full until he reached the caliph Uthman share of the commandment took her and said: (The money Abdel- Rahman Halal purity , though Toma him healthier and Pool ) 000 and reached the presence of Abdul Rahman bin Auf he said: ( people of the city are all partners to Ibn Auf in his money , one-third of Akarzhm , and one-third spend their debts , and a third of untouched and give them 000) and behind after he went many , beaten with axes until Cilt from the hands of men 000 convoy of faith in one day approached the city wind blowing to come forth lineage people storm raises the sand , but soon what turned out to be a large convoy revered loads often fills the city and Trjha Raja , and asked the mother of believers Aisha - God bless them - : ( what is this that is happening in the city? ) 000 and were answered as a convoy of Abdul Rahman bin Auf came from the Levant carry trade him Fjpt mother of the Believers : ( convoy spoke all these Riggae ?) 000 and they said to her: ( for O mother of the Believers , its seven hundred deceased ) 000 and rocked the mother of the Believers her head and I remembered : ( As I heard the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said : ( I saw Abdul Rahman bin Auf enter Paradise Ahbua ) 000 and reached these words to Abdul Rahman bin Auf , remembered that he had heard this talk of the Prophet - peace be upon him - more than once , he urged his footsteps to Aisha and told her : (Ive reminded me of the speech did not forget it ) 000 and then said: ( As I Martyrdom that this convoy Bahmalha and Oguetabha and Ahlasha for Gods sake ) 000 and distributed load seven hundred deceased on the people of the city and around 000 of fear and richness of Abdel-Rahman - may Allah be pleased with him - it was a nuisance to him and fear , has brought him one day s food for breakfast, he was fasting , and when he signed his eyes lost his appetite and cried and then said: ( cited Musab bin Omair which is good for me Vkven in impermeable that covered his head appeared to his feet , but covered his legs appeared to his head , and killed Hamza, which is good for me , did not have him what shrouded the only impermeable , then the extension of us in this world is the extension , and we gave them what we gave I am afraid that we have accelerated our Hassanatna ) 000 also put food in front of him one day as he sat with his companions, wept , and asked him : ( what makes you cry , O Abu Muhammad? ) 000 said : ( he died the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and satiation and his family of barley bread , what Arana we delay what is best for us) 000 and his fear that making old age does not know his way , it was said : ( because if he saw strange does not know as he sat with the servants , he could distinguish it from them ) 000 escape from power was Abdul Rahman bin Auf of the six owners of the Shura who make the life of succession to them after him , saying : (Ive died Messenger of Allah, which is released satisfied ) 000 and all pointed to Abdel- Rahman in that rightful succession , he said: (God, because taken a knife is posted in my throat , and then executes them to the side the other , to love it ) 000 and as soon as the meeting of the six to choose a successor Farouk waiver Abdul Rahman bin Auf his right , who gave him life , and make it among the remaining five , Fajtarōh to be judged among them and said to him, Ali - the generosity of God and his face - : ( I have heard the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - calls you that you are the Secretary of the inhabitants of heaven , and the Secretary of the people of the land ) 000 chose Abdul Rahman bin Auf ( Othman Ibn Affan ) for the succession , and all agreed on the chosen 000 and died in the second year and thirty- migration serious Boaddiqh - may Allah be pleased with him - and she wanted the mother of believers that belonged to the honor did not belong to him elsewhere , who introduced him to be buried in her room next to the Prophet and Abu Bakr and Omar , but blush to lift himself into this neighborhood, and asked to bury him next to Osman bin Mazon as Twathaga days whichever died after another buried next to owner 000 was mumbled and his eyes overflow with tears : ( I was afraid to hold back all my friends much of what I had the money ) 000 , but soon Gsth tranquility and shone his face and Erhvt ears to hear, as if there Ahadth , and perhaps he heard the promise of the Prophet - peace be upon him - : ( Abdul Rahman bin Auf in Paradise) ... 10 Said bin Zaid al-Qurashi Said bin Zaid bin Amr bin Neville Adawi Qurashi , Abu -eyed , from the choice companions cousin Omar ibn al-Khattab and his sisters husband , was born in Mecca in (22 before the migration ) and migrated to the city, witnessed scenes are all but full of doing with Talha Ptgess news of the caravan , which is a the ten promised Paradise , it was the former to Islam and his wife beautiful mother (Fatima girl discourse ) 000 and his father and his father - may Allah be pleased with him - ( Zaid ibn Amr ) retired from ignorance and its and united God without mode Hanivia , has asked Said bin Zaid Prophet - peace be upon him - said: ( O Messenger of Allah, Abu Zaid ibn Amr ibn Neville was also seen as Bulgk , though Odrickk your safe , Fastghafr him? ) 000 said : ( Yes ) 000 and ask forgiveness for his 000 and said : ( it comes doomsday nation alone ) 000 missionaries heaven narrated from Saeed bin Zaid , he said: the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - : (Ten of Quraish in Paradise , Abu Bakr , Omar , Othman , Ali, Talha , Zubair , Abdul Rahman bin Auf , and Saad bin Malik (Ben Abi Waqas ) , and Saeed bin Zaid bin Amr bin Neville , and Abu Abeida ) 000 may Allah be pleased with them all 000 call answered was - may Allah be pleased with him - unanswered call , and his story famous with Arwa girl U.S. , has Chkth to Marwan ibn al-Hakam , and claimed it that grabbing something from her home , he said: ( Oh God, were false Vaam her sight , and Kill her in the backyard ) 000 Fmat then deteriorated into a well backyard , was Mnatha 000 state was Saeed bin Zaid -characterized asceticism respected when the governors , and when he opened the Abu Abeida Damascus and lAH them , then got up with from him for Jihad , he wrote him happy: ( Having said that, I am what you Otherk and your companions jihad to myself and to what Idnyna of the pleasure of the Lord , and if it comes to writing Fabos to your business is I would like him to me , I am coming to you and imminent , God willing , peace ) 000 Allegiance wrote Muawiya to Marwan city pledge allegiance to his son Yazid, said a man from the people of Syria to Marwan : ( what will deliver ?) 000 said Marwan : (even comes Saeed bin Zaid pledge allegiance , it is master of the people of the country , if , recognized , recognized people ) 000 said : ( Would not go Fatick it? ) 000 and came Shami and happy with my father in the house , he said: ( zap Fbaya ) 000 said : ( zap Vsajie Vibaya ) 000 , he said: ( for Tntalegn gone on strike or neck ) 000 said : ( hit my neck ? I swear you to invite me to the people I fight them on Islam ) 000 returned to Marwan told him , he said to him , Marwan : ( shut up ) 000 and died the mother of believers ( I think she Zainab) it recommended to pray by Saeed bin Zaid , said Shami , Marwan : ( what will deliver to pray to the Mother of the Believers ? 000) said Marwan : ( wait , who wanted to hit the neck , they recommended that praying on it ) 000 said Shami : ( I ask forgiveness from God ) 000 and his death , died in the city year (51 e) and entered the tomb of Saad bin Abi Waqqas and Abdullah ibn Umar - may Allah be pleased with them all -
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 13:27:15 +0000

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I think that this is legit and not staged, but I will get on my

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