Terrorism And Globalization Prepared by :Bahrooz - TopicsExpress


Terrorism And Globalization Prepared by :Bahrooz jafaar Instructor: dr.zaliha khashman Introduction The relationship between terrorism and globalization is difficult to describe accurately.Each phenomenon is complicated in its own right and defies simple charac-terization.It is inaccurate to suggest that globalization is responsible for terrorism.but technologies associated with globalization have been exploited by terrorists.In particular,technologies have improved the ability of terrorist groups to work together,share information, and reach out to previously unavailable audience. Technology,however,cannot change the character of the terrorist message or the nuture of the striggle. Terrorism is a weapon of the weak conducted by minority of individuals who promote an extremist ideology-it often fails to create political change.the global community is not powerless in the face of such violence.in order to succeed,the global community must utilize the resources at its disposal collaboratively to diminish support for terrorism and demonstrate the illegitimacy of terrorist messages and aspirations. That terrorism and globalization are the two main themes of contemporary international relations frameworks. Khasta and after the attack of September 11, before joining a global terrorist (al-Qaeda). So, we study in a scientific manner, to, terrorism and terrorist background .. and globalization, and the dimensions of globalization, relationship between the terrorism and globalization..and its examines The effects of terrorism on globalization, terrorism, globalization or globalization of terrorism. First : Terrorism Terrorism and the systematic use of terror , especially as a means of coercion . In the international community , however , terrorism has no goals globally agreed not legally binding , and the definition of the criminal law to him in addition to the common definitions of terrorism refer to those violent acts which aims to create an atmosphere of fear , and be directed against followers of religious and other specific political , or ideological goal , and the deliberate targeting or disregard the safety of non- civilians. Some definitions now include illegal acts of violence and war. Is usually the use of similar tactics by criminal organizations to impose its laws . Because of the complexities of the political and religious concept has become such a vague phrase it differently and sometimes at other times . It is worth mentioning that Christians have suffered because of them Astdav extremist groups and also in Islam at the present time has won a share of this phrase for political reasons, are governed by international and regional conflicts . Generally,Terrorism,Acts of violence committed by groups that view themselves as victimized by some notable historical wrong. Although these groups have no formal connection with governments, they usually have the financial and moral backing of sympathetic governments. Typically, they stage unexpected attacks on civilian targets, including embassies and airliners, with the aim of sowing fear and confusion. Israel hasbeen a frequent target of terrorism, but the United States has increasingly become its main target. ( See also September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah, and Basque region. There for the tribes to the presence of terrorist operations, as a global phenomenon, it can go back to the example of several prominent, from terrorism operations: Terrorist acts.. Before the century atheist century, the most prominent are the two terrorist attacks carried out by the secret operation range of the Jews against the Romans and their collaborators included the assassination , and the assassination of Ali ibn Abi Talib at the hands of the Kharijites . Here are some of the actions agreed as a terrorist in the modern era: - Jabriya plane hijacking Kuwait by the Kuwaiti Hezbollah - Deployment of sarin gas incident in the tunnel trains in Japan . - Manchester bombings in 1996 at the hands of the IRA . - The bombing of Pan Am plane over the skies of Lockerbie, Scotland . - The bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma State of America. - The bombing of the King David Hotel by Zionist gangs targeted the British High Commissioner in Palestine . - Massacres against civilians at Deir Yassin , Qana by Zionist gangs Haganah . - Riyadh bombings in 1995 and the news was some terrorist operations in Saudi Arabia and targeting mostly Western presence. - Bombing U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam was the subsequent operations in Africa , and the rumored involvement of al -Qaeda there. - September 11, 2001 , which left about three thousand people from all over the world , and the whole world suffered losses worth billions of dollars . - Terrorist operations in Southeast Asia by groups as Abu Sayyaf , have mostly ties with al Qaeda . - Terrorist operations in Russia and Russia accuses Chechen organizations while denying the involvement of Chechnya . - Terrorist attacks that targeted the UN building and the shrine of Imam Ali, Shiite pilgrims and others that have occurred in Iraq after 2003 . - Saudi Arabia came under terrorist attacks since 2003 by the terrorist cells in Saudi Arabia is rumored to be linked to al-Qaeda. - 2004 Madrid bombings and accused the movement of Basque Homeland and Freedom « ETA » . - London bombings July 7, 2005 - Terrorist operation that targeted the Church of Our Lady of Deliverance Syriac Catholic Church in Baghdad - Iraq on 11/31/2010 where later called the massacre or to the left of the massacre victims exceeded percent - The bombing of the Saints Church in Egypt for New Years Eve in 2011 and believed the involvement of Egyptian Interior Minister at the time Habib al-Adli in the incident to give justification for the extension of the emergency law and the practice of further acts of repression against the opposition to facilitate the scheme hereditary rule in Egypt s Gamal Mubarak. At the time, now ,an Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant (Daash ). Constitute the organization Daash in April 2013, and presented at the start that the merger between the so-called Islamic State of Iraq affiliated to al-Qaeda which was formed in October / October 2006 and the group incitements armed in Syria , known as the Front of the victory , but that this merger , which was announced a leadership Islamic State of Iraq , Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , rejected victory on the spot. emerged as the sectarian war and interests Okulaimaah in the area of the Middle East , and Khasta in (Syria - Iraq - Iran .) and Ktther countries with dominance Akulaimaah . Two months later , is the leader of Al-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri, the abolition of the merger , however, that al-Baghdadi completed the process to become Daash ( the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant ), and one of the terrorist groups, the key play of death and destruction in Syria and Iraq. Spread Daash today along the large arc in northern Syria , starts from the Iraqi-Syrian border and passes in Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa , which is now controlled completely , right down to Jarablos and Manbej door and pride north of Aleppo , in addition to the northern Idlib near the Turkish border , and has always sought to expand its influence across the biting constant regions surrounding land that controlled, and as soon declared an Islamic state , what is this country and how it is managed ? Syrian citizens how to live in the shadow of state and the nature of the laws that govern them ? How to deal with minority owners and different orientations for Daash in this state? Ministries of the state and its official headquarters ... sharia courts , executions field , relationships with foreign intelligence and Arab children in the army and in the prisons of this state ?. SECOND : GLOBALIZATION Globalisation (or globalization) is the process of international integration arising from the inter change of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities. Though several scholars place the origins of globalization in modern times, others trace its history long before the European age of discovery and voyages to the New World. Some even trace the origins to the third millennium BCE In the late 19th century and early 20th century, the connectedness of the worlds economies and cultures grew very quickly. The term globalization has been increasing use since the mid-1980s and especially since the mid-1990s. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people, and the dissemination of knowledge. Further, environmental challenges such as climate change, cross-boundary water, air pollution, and over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization . Globalizing processes affect and are affected by business and work organization, economics, socio-cultural resources, and the natural environment. Understanding of globalization as a global phenomenon if the fall of the socialist system led to the transformation of the world of the cold war system centered around division and walls to a system centered on the merger of globalization and the internet , the exchange of information, ideas and capital easily and conveniently . And the triumph of capitalism over socialism led to the transformation of many of the Socialists to capitalism and democracy as the highest image they claim reached human thought and produced the modern mind , some even promise that the end of history . The word globalization is a translation of the English term (Globalization) and some of them translated Eonah , and some of them interpreted Ekbh , some Bcomlh , but he recently famous among researchers term globalization has become the most common translations between politicians and the people of the economy and the media. And analysis of the word in the sense of linguistic means mainstream thing and make it universality and expanding his circle to include the whole world . And numerous statements on the definition of the meaning of globalization so that you do not find a definition exhaustive contains all tariffs and that the ambiguity of the concept of globalization , and the differences in point of researchers Vtjd economists definition , and politicians definition , and social definition , and so on , can be divided into these definitions into three types: Economic phenomenon . And American hegemony , Technological and social revolution . THIRD : The impact of globalization on terrorism. After the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks against the US, the very discourse of international relations and global politics has been transformed. Prior to Sept. 11th, the dominant issues were geoeconomic in nature. Globalization and humanitarian issues occupied the agendas of international summits and international organizations.But now geopolitics and security concerns have once again become the central issue and the “old language and institutions” of the cold war are shaping our thinking about global politics. The world was rapidly moving to realizing the idea of a global village as commonalities in terms of economic aspirations and technological progress were emphasized by politicians and opinion makers, over differences such as religion, culture and ethnicity. Globalization of the world was the ultimate celebration of the political, economic and social homogenization of the global populations. On political front there is a consensus that democracy was not only the best but also the only legitimate way of organizing modern polities. On the economic front, the globalization of the economy was a foregone conclusion as nations scrambled to liberalize their economies in order to live up to the new standards set by the World Trade Organization. In the social arena, lifestyle and tastes shaped by multi-national consumer corporations such as Nike, Levis, Coke, MTV, were well on the way to Americanizing the global popular culture. But has Sept. 11th changed all that? Globalization as a process was facilitated by the liberalization of transborder transactions by the dilution sovereignty. Globalization is essentially a measure of the ease with which, labor, ideas, capital, technology and profits can move across borders with minimal governmental interference. This measure of liberalization is also a surrogate measure for security. The great sense of in security that terrorism now inspires in the US economy and the government, the two most important forces behind globalization, has resulted in a reassertion of sovereignty by the US and other nations. The fear that liberal standards are facilitating terrorism is causing the US and other European Union members to control transborder transactions. The efforts to prevent terrorists from moving their resources is leading to greater scrutiny of banks and setting up of new measures that will slow down the flow of capital. The fear that porous borders allow terrorists to enter target countries is leading to new rules about border patrol, VISA regulations, and monitoring of foreign travelers. New security measures at airports have already raised the costs of travel and are affecting the profitability of the airline industry. Governments are increasing international cooperation to monitor the flow of information, people and monies across borders. These heightened measures are a result of the change in priorities. Cost is now second to security and therefore in pursuit of safety, profits are being sacrificed. If this state of affairs persists, globalization be retarded and the very instruments that facilitate and accelerate globalization will be blunted. It is ironic that global terrorism, the phenomenon of terrorists operating in and against several nations simultaneously, was facilitated by globalization and now it has become the biggest challenge to globalization. Global terrorism depends on the success of globalization. In fact one may very conceive of global terrorism as a facet of the global culture resulting from globalization. Globalization and terrorism tools : If globalization - and according to the above - given initial reasons for terrorism by creating the great contradictions in the economic conditions of different countries of the world , and as practiced by the United States - in the shade - of dominance and control and conquer all the peoples of the world . Globalization also provide global terrorism means the technical progress . One of the most proven links between terrorism and globalization are usually related to the technical aspects more than others . Valthaddat in general , creating a combination of factors , which gave an important incentive for the development of terrorism , it is the beginning of the expansion include transport and communication networks . In the era of globalization began in the evolution of these networks tremendous speed . The logic of neoliberal globalization leads to increased openness of countries to move , financial transactions , business .. etc. . The weakening of states , and to discredit the policy , and the abolition of systems and regulations in key states , encouraged globalization on growth organizations parasitic proliferated and expanded , taking advantage of a chaotic way areas that liberated this way. Rule , in this regard , the Organization adapted perfectly with the era of globalization , Btafraatha across the nation , and financial networks , and its links to media and communications , and economic resources , and supply lines and train stations , relay stations and propaganda , and its subsidiaries, branches and subsidiaries. In addition to the technological development in the communications media were allowed to find actors who can challenge global operations significantly . Thus, it was recognized widely that Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network , did not evolve , but in these times of globalization . It has proved to be members of al-Qaeda may have used an electronically coded to connect to , and used the Internet to hide their messages encoded in the web images , as used banking networks invisible to transfer money across borders, and used networks for satellite television , such as Al Jazeera and CNN to deliver their message , and in their preparations for the attacks have used a wide range of techniques other information , such as renting a cellular phone , and travel agencies on the Internet, and simulators airline computerized , and the conclusion that globalization has helped to create the terrorist network primarily popping out al-Qaeda network , has been supplied through Sept. 11, and has made its impact as strong as it appears. Therefore it whenever the international system has become more mainstream globalization , terrorism has become as well , especially with the advent of the Internet and electronic media world via satellite. Hence The Francois Horsporj terrorism natural expression of hypertrophy individuals role in globalization , and this was associated inflation with an unequal distribution of the definition of self- cultural and ideological , which is expected to increase dramatically in the next ten years , whatever the means of treatment , confrontation and war against it . While Baudrillard Achkalath abbreviated as Saddam globalization with the same ! ! . CONCLUSION the phenomenon of terrorism is a social phenomenon that globalization has had a significant impact in their transition to the phenomenon of crime through cultural interventions, social, religious, political and economic globalization mixed leaves and facilitated circulated among the worlds societies. That globalization and the global one thing but in fact there is a difference Universality meaning: openness to the world and cultures of friction with the nation and maintain the privacy of her thought and culture (without loss of self-identity), but there is a blur of globalization of identity. Globalization has improved the technical capabilities of terrorists and given them global reach,but has not altered the fundamental fact that terrorism represents the extreme views minority of the global population,In other words,globalization has changed the scope of terrorism but not its nature.the benefits that globalization provides terrorists is neither one-sided nor absolute.the same technologies and process also enable more effective means of states to combat them.Global terrorists can only succed through popular uprising or the psychological or physical collapes of their state-based adversary.Neither outcome is likely given the limitations of terrorist message and capabilities . * Resources Prepared by :Bahrooz jafaar
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:03:31 +0000

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