Tests and Trials Sunday, July 13, 2014 “Now there was a day - TopicsExpress


Tests and Trials Sunday, July 13, 2014 “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them…the LORD said to Satan, ‘Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him.’” – Job 1:6-12 NASB The book of Job deals with a subject none of us wants to think about: Why does God allow us to be tested and tried? As we think about the story of Job, it’s important to remember that God has declared the end “from the beginning” (Isaiah 41:26). God is sovereign and knows how everything will work out. If He allows the devil to interfere in our lives, He always provides limits. Satan and his demons only can attack, tempt, or harm us to the degree God allows. But we need to understand that God may remove His protecting hand for a season. As a result, we may go through severe trials and tests, times of turmoil and uncertainty, or unpleasant and painful circumstances. Just like Job, we might wonder if God has forsaken us, if we’ve done something wrong, or if we’re being punished unfairly. We must remember that though we may go through tests, God still is on the throne. The Bible tells us to “consider it all joy…when you encounter various trials.” When our faith is tested, we gain endurance. If we persevere, we’ll become more “complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4). Today, are you going through difficult tests and trials? Do you feel stretched? Remember that God is looking at your heart. Job passed his test, and God brought him even greater blessings. Stay faithful in every situation. Continue to praise and serve Him! Be confident that God is on the throne of the world and of your life. Persevere! He will strengthen and reward you. Todays Inspiration Prayer Todays Inspiration Prayer Father, I commit these situations I am going through to You: ____________. Give me wisdom and strength. Thank You for victory! I trust my life to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Further Reading: Job 1
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:53:11 +0000

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