Thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes! I may not have had a - TopicsExpress


Thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes! I may not have had a very eventful day but this past year has been absolutely amazing! I checked things off my bucket list I didnt even know were on it. Kalun and I went island hoping around St. Thomas with his parents to see Virgin Gorda, some awesome snorkeling, and the Pools of Death. I bought a new car and then moved to Ohio with this awesome guy. I ran my first and ONLY Full Marathon. We took over Maui with Ks family for his cousins beautiful wedding, some surfing and SCUBA diving through Turtle Town. We went diving with Great White Sharks in the Guadeloupe Islands. Id definitely do that again in a heart beat but not without the cage, lol. Im not that crazy :-P Kalun taught me how to Snowboard. I got to experience my first real White Winter... so much snow! I saw the Buffalo roam and the Elk play in Jackson Hole with good friends. Then, we went snowmobiling through Yellow Stone to see Old Faithful. We traveled across the whole state of Washington with Ks parents to go Razor Claim digging, see the Bridge Troll in Seattle and listen to Wolves howl over Lake Roosevelt while studying the milky way... ...and had so much fun in between with rock climbing, ice skating, hiking, building an RC Plane, ...the list seems never ending. I got to spend quality time with lots of family for the Holidays and make LOTS of new friends, most of which I already consider family. This year by far has been the best, most adventurous year of my life and I couldnt imagine doing a single thing on this list without Kalun. I am so lucky to be a part of his life and I look forward to sharing many, many more adventurous years with him! Thank you again for the Birthday Wishes Everyone! I cant see how this year can get any better than the last but I certainly wouldnt mind being proven wrong :-P Heres to another year filled with lots of Friends, Family and Amazing Adventures! Rorie :-)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 12:54:38 +0000

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