Thank you to all my friends that checked up on me today via phone, - TopicsExpress


Thank you to all my friends that checked up on me today via phone, text, Facebook or stopping by an bringing an awesome dinner. The pain is getting more tolerable. I spoke with the Doctor today and I am not healing as fast as they would like but given my health this year I guess I am doing pretty good. The incisions are starting to itch so I know they are healing and once the bruising on the outside fades I only will have the internal pain. Mentally and emotionally, besides trying to be strong during all these surgeries and treatments this year, this will be the last weekend that my Big Baby Boy, Robbie, will be here before heading off to boot camp. Sigh. I have to give this all to God. Its so hard. Its also hard when people you felt were there for you show their real colors and act as if you dont exist. I think I have learned so much in these past 10 months than I did in a couple years in school. Maybe because as we get older we want our relationships to mean more than what others want to give. I may not be the easiest person to get along with but I am real. And I will tell you exactly how I feel. Life is too short not to be true to your feelings. People let friendships, relationships and love ones walk away like they never mattered at all. Its sad and it breaks my heart. DONT let people that love you stop trying! DONT push them to the breaking point where they dont care anymore. Not unless you truly dont care. Then walk away and let them have their peace and let them heal. Dont hold on to them just enough to keep them close in case you need something. I am rereading this and it sounds like I am bitter. I really am not. I am hurting at the fact that some people use others feelings like tissue. They are there when you need them and then you just dispose of them once you have used them all up. The people who this is directed to knows exactly who I am talking to. If you have to ask yourself if it you, then its not. People please start to treat others better. You only get so many chances in life. Dont waste them all on pride or past experiences. Some of us dont get more than one chance at getting it right. Think of what you could have had. God Bless and I wish health and happiness for everyone I know. Thank you for reading this. Faith, Love and Harmony, Hilary Renee.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 06:03:52 +0000

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