Thanks for the share, Karen Be. I watched something similar to - TopicsExpress


Thanks for the share, Karen Be. I watched something similar to this around 5 years ago from a very forceful young man in an LA high school. As far as giving our children mixed messages, the core of this video, we have ALL contributed, in some small way, to the general dumbing down in our childrens education, attitudes and their feelings of self worth and self esteem. Successive governments have tampered with the curriculum, adopting newer and faster methods of learning yet not learning lessons themselves when our schools turn out students who can neither read not write. As parents, we have given our children computers in their bedrooms and the latest mobile phones only to see them withdraw into a narrow world where they only communicate their feelings through emails and text messages, losing the ability to write even the shortest letter. Even as babies, we put them into pushchairs which face away from the mother who is often busily and pointlessly chatting on her own mobile phone whilst her child is ignored. Who ever thought that putting a child at big dog level with no sight of his mum was a good idea? We have given our children rights without explaining that, with rights come responsibilities and with responsibilities come consequences. We have produced children with no male influences in their lives, often actively portraying the father in question as some useless loser, so creating, in SOME cases, a mistrust in our young of all men. We storm up to their school to defend their unruly behaviour without ever considering WHY that child might be behaving as he or she is. We have created an electronic wonderland for our children outside of school which means that, for some of them, traditional learning and education inside school is either boring or simply doesnt stretch them. We have given them the latest violent, addictive must have electronic games and then complain when they become agressive and sullen towards us! Society as a whole MUST have standards which can be measured! It is the bedrock by which civilisation exists. Would you be happy to be operated on by a surgeon who had only ever read a book and watched a couple of You Tube clips on how it was done? A doctor who prescribed your medication through a Google search? A nurse to tend to you in hospital who had only decided earlier that day that this was her chosen career? A bus driver who had never taken a driving test? A pilot with a good sense of direction but who had never previously flown a plane? We will continue to turn out poorly educated children as long as we fail to LISTEN to and ACT UPON what excites them about learning and to resist sending them down the Big Brother/X-Factor Simon Scowl style school of you-can-be-famous-with-absolutely-no-talent which we have both ALLOWED and ENCOURAGED to breed in our young.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 23:54:27 +0000

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