Thanks to Michael for posting this on my own fb There is never - TopicsExpress


Thanks to Michael for posting this on my own fb There is never enough that can be said about how dangerous fluoride in our water supplies, toothpaste, mouthwashes etc is ! 1. Due to the misinformation and apparent widespread ignorance concerning the subject of water fluoridation as promoted by governments and health authorities, it is imperative to establish the facts regarding this emotionally charged issue and by doing so set the record straight. 2. One of the world’s most prestigious journals ‘Nature’ (Vol. 322, July 10, 1996) answers the fluoridation questions more than adequately. An examination of fluoridation trials and studies both in the United States and throughout the world concluded that “ Large temporal reductions in dental decay cannot be attributed to fluoridation. It is now time for a scientific re-examination of the alleged benefits of fluoridation” 3. Dr. R.N. Mukherjee and Dr. F.H. Sobels from the university of Leiden in Holland found that fluoride increased the frequency of genetic damage in the sperm cells which were produced by laboratory animals exposed to X-rays. Their conclusion: “Sodium fluoride resulted in a consistent and highly significant increase of the mutation (genetic damage) frequency. This effect is thought to result from interference with a repair process.” 4. Dr. S.I. Voroshilin from the Russian Research Institute of Industrial Health & Occupational Diseases concluded, “It would seem to us that fluoride could cause some kind of disturbance in the enzymes that are related to the mechanism of DNA repair and synthesis.” 5. Dr. A. Iarez from the Department of Toxicology, Central University of Venezuela in Caracas reported that, “Fluoride added to the drinking water of female rats produced birth defects in their offspring.” Thos involved in birthing our children know of the huge increase in birth defects and deformities in large cities where fluoridation is used. 6. Dr. Robert Carton quoted in the Spring 1987 issue of the Centre for Health Action’s ‘Update’ states, “The fluoride standard was based on political pressures without regard to facts” We are all aware of the political pressures and controls related to the desires of vested interests. 7. In this age of numerous, highly contagious and death dealing immune deficiency disorders, the use of fluoridation of public water supplies in any amount would be highly irresponsible and suicidal. Dr. Sheila Gibson from the University of Glasgow showed that fluoride, at levels found in the blood of people living in fluoridated areas, decreased the migration rate of human white blood cells. This directly and adversely affects the immune system. Dr. Gibson found that only a six hour exposure to as little as 0.1 ppm fluoride inhibits the white blood cell migration by 21%. One part per million (1.0ppm) inhibits white blood cell migration by 85% and at 2ppm white blood cell migration ceases entirely. This indicates that continued use of fluoride in the drinking water could result in the total destruction of the immune response. 8. Dr. J. Gabrovsek, a research dentist at the Case Western Reserve University School of medicine stated in a published paper: “Because of the inhibitory effects of NaF (sodium fluoride) in phagocytosis and leukotaxis (the migration of white blood cells) which are basic defence mechanisms, I have doubts about the absolute safety of water fluoridation on a long term basis.” 9. Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, author of the ‘fluoride ageing factor’ and world renowned authority on fluoridation and its statistical relationship to cancer has shown conclusively that fluoride damages body repair and rejuvenation capabilities and does in fact bring about visible symptoms of ageing such as wrinkled skin and arthritis. He states, “Since the first publication of my book in 1983 a number of important studies have been published by researchers from around the world and their findings have been included in the second edition of my book. While I am gratified to know that my original conclusions have been confirmed and extended rather than disproved, I feel a greater sorrow in having to watch the unnecessary suffering brought about by fluoride and those that promote it” Whether the concentration of fluoride in the paint used on children’s teeth is 20,000 the 1ppm which is poisoning the water supplies of nations, or whether the toothpaste which children swallow is 2,400pp or 400ppm the question is not the contamination of the substances is within ‘allowable’ limits. This is blatantly avoiding the issue. That there is any contamination at all wherein only a minute amount may adversely affect an organism is the real issue and the lack of responsibility shown by those in power. Skilful advertising campaigns with emotional appeal geared to manipulate and palliate the masses have proven to be effective when the media is well greased with large amounts of money. The social activists who are emotionally motivated are called upon, for favours of wide variation, to support such a program of mass propaganda. The compulsive do-gooders thereby swing their efforts to support such a supposed valid project thereby bypassing entirely the central issue which has been disguised by rhetoric and deceptive use of manipulate statistics and false reports. The masses fall without question into line believing what they are fed and lose the will to resist because of their intake of fluoride through their water. The elitists have thus usurped their supposed authority and have, once again, hoodwinked those that they ‘serve’ by perpetrating a massive fraud against an uninformed and deceived majority.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 00:27:58 +0000

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