Ancient civilizations knew that living in the present moment was - TopicsExpress


Ancient civilizations knew that living in the present moment was important. They knew that this was the secret to using more of their minds and utilized this ability to enhance their five senses which really intensified their experience of living. With this, they became greatly in tune with themselves and nature. Their intuition and natural instincts came in abundance and were easy to understand. Things that seem impossible to us today without the use of technology could have been very easy to them. People are convinced we use 100% of our minds all of the time and they are not wrong. They are wrong when they think we use 100% of our minds at a conscious level. Different studies suggest that our subconscious mind is processing over 400 billion bits of information per second while our conscious mind is only processing around two thousand bits of information per second. This is why we are only using a fraction of a percentage of our conscious potential. There is no evidence of how much information people were processing per second in ancient times, but there is definitely evidence that it was much more than what we are currently processing today. The possibilities of using more of our minds are interesting, indeed. They could range anywhere from simply having an extremely sharp mind and being in a constant state of full awareness to our intentions having a much stronger effect on subatomic particles in the nature of reality. This could ultimately lead to anything being possible. ourconsciouspotential/consciousness/our-conscious-potential/
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 09:53:18 +0000

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