Thanks to Steve Daly for sharing Proximitys Video. I have these - TopicsExpress


Thanks to Steve Daly for sharing Proximitys Video. I have these words to say on this subject: Hey buddy, the person that drives, pays for the meal, gets to choose. Just announce where you are going. After asking ONCE with no decision, there should be NO begging. That way, this kind of frustrations is avoided! Im going to ______, You are welcome to go with me! Same comes with company in my home, no open bar available: Were having martinis tonight, would you care to join us? Were having meatloaf for dinner, would you care to have some? My philosophy is take it our leave it, thats your choice! Once when a visitor wanted rum and coke, I explained we didnt have coke but we had Pepsi. The guest then criticized me for not having coke by admonishing me with, Last time you said you didnt have coke and you know thats what I drink! That person was NEVER invited back. Not my loss since that person never made effort to entertain me in his home. I learned from the best host, You offer what you have. Theres no need for pretension to be someone you are not or to be subservient to guests. No host is under obligation to cater to a guests every whim. It shows the rudeness of the guest, not the host. Whether it be the man or woman asking where to go for dinner, the other person should either say where they prefer without hesitation or show gratitude to the other by saying, Ill be happy to go wherever you wish! PERIOD! Have you ever noticed that when groups go out for dinner, theres also someone that insist on splitting the check equally amongst everyone. They are the ones that order the most expensive meal, drinks, desert, champagne. Those on a budget that are use to living frugally are then trapped into paying the excess of the bold ones that take advantage of others weaknesses. I learned the hard way. I go Dutch with friends, pay ONLY for my order unless Im with immediate family. People, friends, acquaintances, lovers, married couples should not play silly games. Life has too many foils to add to them. If not married, think twice before you commit to someone that plays those games. Choose your friends wisely and only act like a rich fool if you have the money and need to impress others or if you need to buy friends. For me, it just isnt worth it!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 23:01:58 +0000

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