Thanks to the help of a friend, I have got now the original - TopicsExpress


Thanks to the help of a friend, I have got now the original Straits Times article, which I reproduce below. The ST article actually presented my critical view of the so-called ethno-religious tension, as in here: Mr Wong said widespread violence was unlikely because the middle ground is now much bigger than it was in 1969 and better organised into multi-ethnic political and social organisations. This will help prevent flare-ups. My outright objection to unity government was not mentioned perhaps that is not the focus of the report, but readers should be able to read it quite clearly that I dont share the view of Mr Wan Saifuls call for any strong political solution, if that implies any reduction in political competition. The TMI report of the ST report also captured a bit of my critical view but sandwiched it in between Mr Wan Saifuls view, unfortunately giving rise to the impression (at least to me) that we are echoing each other. I will leave it here as it is for now. But perhaps I shall write specifically on the peril of unity government. NEWS ANALYSIS; Race-religion rhetoric in Malaysia reaches new heights Carolyn Hong Malaysian Bureau Chief In Kuala Lumpur 646 words 31 January 2014 Straits Times STIMES English (c) 2014 Singapore Press Holdings Limited Country now looking to leaders to cool temperatures A RECENT spate of vandalism targeting Christian sites has pushed the raging race-religion rhetoric to a new level, leaving Malaysians uncertain as to the direction the country is heading. As the squabbling escalates, both Prime Minister Najib Razak and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim have called for national reconciliation. Neither side, however, has spelt out what this means. On Wednesday, Mr Najib said this would not see the formation of a unity government, but his administration would be more inclusive, and look into possibly forming bipartisan committees to discuss issues relating to unity. He said: There is also a need to go back to the grassroots and re-engage with the people to build their commitment to our common vision of a peaceful, successful and harmonious Malaysia. On Sunday, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim called for a bipartisan dialogue to come to a national consensus on unity issues. Hours later, two Molotov cocktails were flung at a church in Penang, causing minor damage. On Wednesday, a Christian cemetery in Kuantan was vandalised. Datuk Seri Anwar described tensions as having reached a dangerous crescendo, saying: We have not seen this building up of tension since the events leading up to our national tragedy of May 13, 1969. Democratic Action Party leader Lim Kit Siang said in a statement on Wednesday that the crisis has reached its worst level in the countrys 56-year history. Yesterday, Datuk Seri Najib met representatives from 40 Muslim non-governmental organisations in an effort to defuse tensions that began rising on Jan 2 when Selangors religious authorities seized more than 300 bibles with the word Allah in them. Malaysians said they welcome steps to foster reconciliation even if some felt that tensions have been stoked deliberately for political gain. Political analyst Wan Saiful Wan Jan, who runs think-tank Ideas, said the situation has reached a point where a small incident could easily flare up into a larger one. He said it has become imperative for both sides to agree to avoid stoking racial feelings. And they have to start by quickly distancing themselves from groups that play the race card, and hold a genuine dialogue. Mr Wan Saiful said the Prime Minister, in particular, has to lead, adding that some Malays really feel they are under siege. In big cities, we are used to a diversity of ideas but when I travel to smaller towns in Kedah, Perlis, Perak and Penang, the situation is quite different, he said. Political analyst Wong Chin Huat, a research fellow with the Penang Institute, said national reconciliation was imperative but that the recent vandalism was nothing new and fit the pattern of creating a crisis, then presenting a solution to it. The Molotov cocktail incident, for instance, was no different in tone from the firebombing of a church in 2010, he said, or protesters stepping on a cows head at a Hindu temple in 2009. It creates the impression that we are a fragile country, and need a strong government, Mr Wong said, adding that this could take the form of an authoritarian government, or it could mean a political solution of a unity government. I am sure some in the opposition are looking towards that (unity government) too, he said. Mr Wong said widespread violence was unlikely because the middle ground is now much bigger than it was in 1969 and better organised into multi-ethnic political and social organisations. This will help prevent flare-ups. Mr Najib has said the next few months will see some changes for the better. He and Mr Anwar will be closely watched by Malaysians, who want to see a genuine cooling of temperatures. [email protected]
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:29:09 +0000

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