That is it... I cannot go anywhere without reading how upset - TopicsExpress


That is it... I cannot go anywhere without reading how upset Darren looked in Toronto while he sang the song Teenage Dream! First we all know that song has special meaning for him as it does us.... Perhaps he was upset a little that day. I would be upset too if people were sending someone I loved death threats... Because that is what has been going on ever since the prezhilton article broke out people have been sending Mia death threats. If you think you can hide behind a computer screen and keyboard and make such threats without anyone finding out who you are. Well you are wrong. Not to mention people see it, people who you would never think see it , they see it.. what do you think Darren doesnt have access to the internet just like the rest of us.. I am sure Mia told Darren about it , why would she not! Then to make matters worse some fans even went after Darren... Fans of his did this... well you are no fan to me if you did this. Now i am going to knock some fans right off their delusional cloud they are sitting upon at the moment: - Darren and Mia are dating they love each other... get over it, move on.. Nothing you can say or do is going to stop it.. Well it might, if she keeps getting hate , she might decide she cant deal with it anymore and leave him... she just might. There is always that chance.. I pretty sure all that is going on is causing trouble with their relationship... Why would anyone want to destroy someone relationship.Or worse, Darren could decide that he is done. He could chose a normal life over the life he has now.. He could easily say good bye to the glee, good bye to being in shows. so think about that. - Mia is not some PR stunt to cover up the fact that Darren is gay and is secretly dating Chris------this is one is down right funny! Why in the world would it need to be covered up if it were true... Darren is comfortable playing a gay character on TV so i am more then certain he would be comfortable with being in gay in real life if he was... So if you want to ship them together and write stories about it go right ahead... I aint going to stop you. But when you take to tumbler , twitter, and facebook and start telling everyone that Mia is a PR stunt well that just makes you sound NUTS! Problem with someone being nuts is that is spreads, and their theory gets shared either because someone thinks it is funny or someone actually thinks it is true.. Then someones got to add to it. so it gets worse.... so if are a Darren fan, then please show the man you call your idol some love and support!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:23:03 +0000

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