The AC Herran campus was like a fairy land to me. The acacia trees - TopicsExpress


The AC Herran campus was like a fairy land to me. The acacia trees that lined our curving drive were awesome, and to this day, I love big, old, gnarled trees with long branches. I used to imagine these sweeping branches chatting with each other, and oh, the secrets they must have known! And the bird song! Inside the classroom, I would always be distracted by the beautiful bird song coming from those glorious trees. The huge bird cage beside the clinic, with the macau and love birds added to that sense of enchantment, and crossing over to the primary school area was the big lagoon with ducks swimming and nesting all day long. I remember how we used to rock the boat till it tipped over, and how we would be sent to the clinic and be made to wear stiff-from-almirol uniforms! I have so many precious memories of Herran---of peanuts and lollipops, of siomai, assumption tarts and Magnolia chocolait in kettles, of tombola and bataille, of Shirley Temple movies at the auditorium, field days, feast days, and those dreaded annual injections! But, my fondest memories will be of people, especially our teachers classmates and the sisters, whom we used to call MOTHER back then. I still prefer that title. The nuns were like mothers to us. I only realize now how Mothers Mercedes, Editha, Carolina, Emmanuelle, Bernadette, Cecilia, Jude were also young nuns then. I will never forget our daily adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and how beautifully the nuns would sing their vespers. I remember how no student would be left alone without a nun to watch over her till her sundo came. When it was particularly late, the nun would bring the students to the refectory to have dinner with the boarders. And how can I forget the special personalities? Ms. Catherine (to this day, I have great difficulty with anything related to embroidery, hehehe), Mrs. Elordi who used to stand guard at the gate in front of St. Pauls, and Mang Segundo, keeper of the main gate, with his huge sombrero and black dog! Thank you to the administrator of this page. AC Herran will always, always be a treasured part of Me.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:41:33 +0000

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