The BBC is grossly biased and is run by Zionists and gives false - TopicsExpress


The BBC is grossly biased and is run by Zionists and gives false information, so dont pay youre TV license! October 19, 2013 at 9:33pm By Michael Aydinian Quite a few of my friends have asked for a letter to send the BBC! Heres one that sticks it right to them - DONT PAY! You say its a criminal offense to watch BBC TV programs without a licence. Well, let me make one thing absolutely clear - the last thing I want to do is to watch or listen to the drivel on the BBC. I only do, just so I can keep up-to-date with all your lies! In any case, you should get your own house in order first before you start pointing accusing fingers, for I believe the BBC is in breach of their operating requirements through the ‘Royal Charter & Agreement’ with the British public. This document requires the BBC to show information that is both accurate & impartial. Ive got news for you - on both counts, this most definitely is not the case! With regards to being accurate one could perhaps forgive the explanations given on the day of 9/11. This was after all a traumatic event. Most of us were consumed with shock & anger. However the BBC never once attempted to explain how they reported the collapse of the Saloman Brothers building, more commonly known as WTC 7, when it was still standing & then lo & behold, 23 minutes later IT ACTUALLY COLLAPSED! Now this alone is game, set & match! Here, the BBC had to have been party to information which to all intents & purposes should have been crucial in establishing who really was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Instead this gross anomaly has been swept under the proverbial carpet! No mention was made too of how WTC 7 was also owned by Larry Silverstein, owner of the Twin Towers! The fact this man owned another building which happened to collapse on the very same day, is more than astonishing! Yet in subsequent documentaries concerning 9/11, nothing was made of how the 9/11 commission neglected to say anything about this mysterious collapse! And no plane hit this building, a 47 storey steel skyscraper! In case you dont know, it too collapsed into its own footprint at free-fall speed! How could this be possible? Of course no one in the BBC ever pondered as to how convenient it was to find former Israeli PM Ehud Barak plotted up at BBC headquarters on the very day of 9/11, just after the attack, right on cue, ready to point the finger! I wonder what Jews would have thought if Osama Bin Laden was there instead accusing Zionists of this heinous treachery? Sure enough Barak was among the first to accuse Muslim extremists, notably Al-Qaeda, an organisation founded & funded by none other than the CIA, for carrying out the attack! Even Sherlock Holmes couldnt work that fast! The day after 9/11 Osama Bin Laden actually denied any involvement in 9/11 on Aljazeera TV. Needless to say the BBC along with the entire mainstream media deemed this earth-shattering interview was unimportant & so not worthy to show the world! So almost from the get-go, we were being led to believe who was responsible yet on the day of 9/11 the Bush administration was claiming they had no idea how a guy in cave 8000 miles away managed to penetrate the entire civil air defense of America, knock out 3 huge buildings with 2 planes & have a 3rd plane fly around for almost an hour in the most protected air space in the world, only to crash into the Pentagon. It was as if America had no F16 fighters & no ground to air missiles. Of course the BBC made nothing of the fact the 3rd plane crashed straight into the budget analyst office where Pentagon officials were trying to locate the missing $2.3 trillion arch Zionist Dov Zakheim slipped into his back pocket! All this occurred with no one knowing anything yet on that day certain people, notably the Zionists who controlled the Bush administration, knew exactly who to blame! I mean its embarrassing writing this because its almost laughable! Since that fateful day Architects, engineers, demolition experts & Pilots have openly declared the official explanation of 9/11 was not just a sham but was IMPOSSIBLE! Yet subsequent documentaries by the BBC not only ignored mountains of evidence which proved the official explanation was ludicrous but anyone daring to ask patently obvious questions was branded a conspiracy theorist! Dylan Avery himself, maker of the groundbreaking documentary LOOSE CHANGE seen by 100s of millions was branded a dropout! Rather than attempt to get anywhere near the truth the BBC instead continued to perpetuate impossible myths about 9/11. This is why I refuse to pay the licence. I do not want to hear a pack of lies & certainly the British public deserve infinitely better news coverage. I can continue for hours pouring scorn over the BBCs blatant inaccuracies regarding 9/11. Indeed exposing the lies is a simple task. This will have to wait for the court case - I presume you do intend to take me to court! Now Ill mention the BBCs supposed impartiality.......... or should I say their outrageous bias towards the Apartheid state of Israel, a country that ranks no.1 in its wanton disregard for international law! The mere mention of the word Palestine on BBC news channels is now a rare occurrence; the mention of Israels virtual day-to-day human rights atrocities even rarer. Most people dont know Israelis are denying Palestinians bare essentials such as medicine, water & electricity; most people are unaware Palestinians literally live in a glorified concentration camp; most people remain in the dark as to how so much Palestinian land has been stolen by Israel since its inception in 1948. I will be bringing a map to court to prove this - no doubt the judge will deem this inadmissible evidence! Most people remain oblivious to the fact Israeli soldiers fire live ammunition at Palestinian kids on the way to school as are the evil settlers and of course the BBC has never once mentioned how former US President Jimmy Carter refers to Israel as APARTHEID ISRAEL! How can it be that few in England know of President Carters book PALESTINE: PEACE NOT APARTHEID! Here after all is a man who won the 2002 Nobel Prize for peace & a President who puts those whove proceeded him to shame? Israel in short is committing Genocide on the hapless Palestinians & the BBC says NOTHING! Call that impartial? Why is this the case? The BBC is now in the hands of Zionist war-mongers. Britains politicians & media no longer act in the best of my country. They act in the best interests of Israel - indeed our soldiers are fighting wars that only benefit depraved & deluded Zionists, Arms dealers, Bankers & already outrageously powerful & wealthy energy companies. THATS WHY WERE FIGHTING THESE WARS! Furthermore, the BBCs coverage of the recent turmoil in Libya & more significantly in Syria is nothing short of scandalous. One-sided reporting of such crass nature is designed to fool uninitiated folk, rather like the manner in which we were so disgracefully duped in the quest to topple Saddam Hussein or I should I say, the quest for energy companies to steal Iraqi oil! Ive had enough of your lies. It will be my pleasure to see you in court! Yours sincerely
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 04:05:34 +0000

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