The Basis Of Victory By John Holland The early church faced a - TopicsExpress


The Basis Of Victory By John Holland The early church faced a world blanketed by paganism. Born in a small rather insignificant country, it expanded its influence throughout the civilized world. The spread of Christianity against impossible odds was accomplished to the amazement of world historians. Edward Gibbons wrote “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”. Gibbons, an agnostic, explained the success of Christianity in these words: (I) The intense zeal of Christians. (2) Their doctrine of a future life. (3) Their claim for miracles . (4) Their pure morality. (5) The unity and discipline or early Christians. Many years later, a modem historian said that they “out-lived” , “out-thought” and “out-died” their pagan contemporaries. The power of God was felt in those early years. It could still change our world if we were as committed and zealous to “out-live” and “out-think” or as to “out-die” those in the world about us. We must live above the world’s standards. We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We must face the hereafter in hope with peace in our hearts. We are different because He was different. May we unite in allowing the world to see that difference. Opposition only spurred the Cause of Christ forward, but indifference within His body can and has crushed its rate of growth. [ note: Our contemporary world just doesn’t get better but more decadent as the years go by. As New Testament Christians, remember we are the “light of the world” and the “salt of the earth”. If the light of freedom from the power, guilt, and penalty of sin is to shine to a lost world, it is to go forth from those of us who still follow Jesus Christ, the Captain of our salvation. Let us dedicate ourselves to following the strides of those first-century disciples of Jesus our Lord.]
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:34:24 +0000

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