The Bible tells us that we are saved by grace – and that we - TopicsExpress


The Bible tells us that we are saved by grace – and that we access this salvation through faith, For you are saved by grace through faith. Then the Bible tells us that salvation has nothing to do with us. Salvation has nothing to do with our good works; our kind deeds; our generous nature; our offerings in the collection plate – our being baptised in water; our attending a confessional; our reading the bible or saying prayers; our going to church on Sunday or Saturday or any other day of the week (- because all those things are works) The Bible tells us that salvation is by grace… salvation is nothing to do with ourselves, it has nothing to do with rules, regulation or laws we have to keep – for salvation is by grace and it is a free gift from God to all who have believe in Jesus… salvation is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift .If salvation is by grace, then salvation is not by works! It is one or the other – but it can’t be both. If salvation has anything to do with works then it can’t possibly be said to come by grace. The word works contradicts the meaning of word grace and the word grace runs counter to the word works – for works and grace are in complete opposition to each other – the two words are at variance with one another. If salvation was given to us because of the works we did, then you cant possibly say that salvation is a gift of grace! A gift is a gift – and if one has to work for a gift then it is no longer a gift, because is has been gained through works.Similarly, if salvation were gained as a result of doing some form of work or works, then it cannot be considered as a free gift of grace from God. The meaning of works and grace are diametrically opposite with each other – the meanings are incompatible. In Romans chapter 11 Paul is explaining that the grace that has been extended to the gentiles during this church age applies equally the remnant of Jews in this church dispensation. The remnant of Jews trust Jesus as their Messiah during this church age become part of the church of God – the body of Christ – and like gentile believers are saved by grace – NOT works of the Law.Paul could not have been clearer in explaining to the believers in Rome that salvation is by grace and that salvation is nothing to do with work. Paul told us that since salvation is through God’s kindness, and is given to us because of His amazing grace – then we have not received it by our good works – for had works played any part in our salvation then we would not have received salvation by God’s grace. FOr salvation to be an entirely free gift it is totally undeserved.Paul could not have been clearer when He told us in Romans 11 if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 09:26:39 +0000

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