The Book of the Revelation is the last Book of the Bible. - TopicsExpress


The Book of the Revelation is the last Book of the Bible. It’s sealed to unbelievers. In there, the Bible says, in 22nd chapter, “Whosoever shall take one Word from It, or add one word to It, I’ll take his part from the Book of Life.” We realize that, then, it was altogether given for believers. And It opens the Book of Revelation and reveals Who the Author of this entire Book is. “He The Rapture 15 is to look upon as Alpha and Omega,” from Genesis to Revelation, Jesus Christ just the same, right straight through. And reveals His complete mystery of Himself, and His plans for His church ages that’s to come, and was sealed in there by Seven Seals. 75 Now, the Book was written, but then, remember, It was sealed with Seven Seals. And these Seven Seals was not to be opened (Revelation 10) until the sounding of the last earthly angel on earth, Revelation 10:7. See? “And in the days of the sounding of the last angel’s Message, seventh angel, the mystery of God should be finished in that age.” That, and that’s the age that we’re living in. 76 We all know we’re living in the Laodicea Age. There will never be another age to it. It can’t be. So, we’re living in the Laodicea Age. And these Seven Seals that’s held that Book, is a mystery to people, should be opened at that day. That’s what He promised. Now, it won’t be nothing outside the Word, because you can’t add to the Word or take from the Word. It’s got to remain always the Word. But the revelation is to reveal the Truth of It, what It is, to make It fit with the rest the Scripture. And then God vindicates that to be the Truth. See? 77 God don’t need no interpreter. He is His Own interpreter. He does His Own interpretation by bringing to pass the things that He said would happen. Like, in the beginning, He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. That don’t need any interpretation. It was vindicated. 78 Now, He promised certain things in this last day, in the Scripture. Why, there it was. That’s how Jesus was the Son of God. He promised to send Him. When He was in His days here on earth, and the people couldn’t believe Him, He said, “Search the Scripture, for in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me. If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if you can’t believe Me, believe the works that I do, ’cause they testify Who I am.” 79 Well, then, in Wesley’s age, the works that he did testified who he was. In Luther’s age, on reformation, why, sure, it testified who he was. 80 In the days of the Pentecostals, the restoring back of the gifts, the restoration of the gifts, speaking in tongues and casting out devils, and the gifts, why, it testified. There was no joke about it. People said, when it first raised up^I read the books on the history of Pentecost. They said, “It can’t last long. It’ll burn 16 The Spoken Word down.” It’s still burning. Why? Is because you’ll never put it out. God said it would be there. It’s that portion of the Word, and no more could you put that out. And then when the Bride is being called out, how you going to put it out? It’s the revelation of the manifestation of the Word made true. And we’re living in that day; praise be to God; the revelation of the mystery of Hisself. 81 Now, the Rapture is only^This Rapture that we’re talking about, is only for the Bride. Remember, the Bible said, “And the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years.” This great Rapture! If there’s not a Rapture, friends, where are we at? What are we going to do? What age are we living in? What promise do we have? There is going to be a Rapture. The Bible says there will be. And it’ll be only for the elected, the Elected Lady, the Bride in this day, that’s pulled out, the Church. 82 The wor-^very word, church, means “called out of.” As Moses called a nation out of a nation, the Holy Spirit is calling a Bride out of a church; a Church out of a church; members, from every denomination, making up a Bride, Bride tree. It’s in the_in the tape, The Bride Tree. A Bride coming out, call, and that’s the one that the Bride tree is. The_the Bride, rather, is the One that’s going to be in the Rapture; that, alone, nothing but the Bride, the elected ones foreknown by God from the beginning, the Father’s spiritual genes.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:21:38 +0000

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