The Border Crisis, Who Created It and What to Do About It Never - TopicsExpress


The Border Crisis, Who Created It and What to Do About It Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected to see what is going on down on our South Texas border. Thousands of illegal immigrants, adolescents and children, many of whom are seriously ill, simply walking across the border and coming in at will every day. Our southern border has been virtually erased. This humanitarian and national security crisis is pure and simply a creation of the Chief Executive of the United States – President Barack Obama. As the Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. federal government it is his job to enforce the law not the U.S. Congress. President Obama just gave a press conference in which he offered not one new idea or solution nor did he accept any responsibility whatsoever for the disaster that is occurring on our southern border. He simply continued to point the finger of blame at the House Republicans in Congress and demand that they pass a new comprehensive immigration reform package which will somehow miraculously “solve the immigration problem”. He totally ignored the fact that his ally in the other house of Congress, Majority Leader Harry Reid, had already adjourned the Democratic controlled U.S. Senate, turned out the lights and gone home for five weeks vacation. The President, as he has done in every controversy and scandal to befall his administration passed the buck. Is he not aware that there already is a border and immigration law on the books passed by the Congress in 1986 and signed by President Reagan that requires and provides for a secure border if enforced? President Obama simply ignores and refuses to enforce laws he does not agree with which places him in direct violation of his oath of office as head of our executive branch of government “to faithfully execute the laws of the United States of America”. We are a nation of laws Mr. President, not of the whim of one person. If President Obama will not enforce the current border and immigration law now what makes us think that he will enforce a new border and immigration law? And what could possibly be his reason for not enforcing the law now? Remember during the 2008 campaign he promised to ‘fundamentally change America’? I can only wonder what his motives are but it appears to me that the crisis and chaos on our border is just one more piece in his bigger game plan. To him millions of illegal immigrants are merely pawns in a game to be used as more votes for bigger government, entitlement programs and a perpetual socialist agenda that controls everyone and everything. I can see no other sane or logical reason why he would not want to secure our border. A secure border results in a sovereign, secure and independent nation. An unsecure border threatens all of the above. Our overwhelmed U.S. Border Patrol, which is a part of Obama’s executive branch of our federal government now has less than half of its personnel actually working to secure our border. Our overwhelmed communities, struggling already to provide basic city services, adequate law enforcement and emergency responders to legal residents are being seriously challenged in these times of reduced funding, unemployment and skyrocketing national debt to find ways to accommodate even more people. Our schools are overwhelmed to a point that in some communities the public education of our children is completely compromised. And under Obamacare, many doctor’s offices, family medical practices and local hospitals which were already strained by patient demand and financial burdens are forced to close their doors in communities they have served for generations. Most importantly, we must remember this crisis goes way beyond statistics. These are people, many of them innocent children who are herded like animals, abused by human traffickers and accompanied by drug couriers and dealers who use the mass chaos of the border to commit crimes. They then disappear into the countryside or simply go home. Many of the drug kingpins and human traffickers now LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES. Furthermore, not all of the immigrants are helpless children or innocent people looking for work. Certainly criminal and terrorist organizations are already promoting and exploiting this opportunity. Outrageously one can only conclude that in reality our own federal government is aiding and abetting international crime and terrorism through its neglect of maintaining a secure border. As a nation of immigrants, our country has long welcomed and been compassionate to those from other nations who seek liberty and freedom. Traditionally, however, our border and immigration policies required new immigrants to be healthy with no criminal background and to have a citizen sponsor or resources and skills to contribute to this great melting pot that is America. America is the most charitable country on earth. Charity is the voluntary giving of help to those in need. However, it is not up to the federal government to mandate that American taxpayers pay the bill for millions of people who illegally come into the country and ignore the law. What can be done about the problem? First, we must force the President to begin enforcing our border laws, secure the border and then prevent him from single handedly and illegally signing an executive order granting amnesty to millions of illegals here now, a direct violation of the Constitution and law. Second, it’s time for Congress to act as an equal branch of our federal government. The United States Congress has the power of the purse strings to provide or not provide funding for the entire federal government. If the President or his agencies won’t do their duty, it’s incumbent upon the Congress to cut the funding for individuals and agencies that abuse, neglect or don’t follow the law in direct violation of their oaths of office. We cannot continue to tolerate the endangerment of lives, America’s national security, the squandering of trillions of hard earned taxpayer dollars and the loss of sovereignty of the greatest and most blessed nation on earth. This crisis did not spring up over night. The Washington Post recently reported that top officials in Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement have long been “ringing alarm bells” within the administration repeatedly warning of the potential for an explosion in the number of migrant children and concern about the federal government’s capacity to manage the situation. The Obama administration may have been unprepared but it was not caught by surprise. The truth according to Washington Post interviews with former government officials is that the President and his administration did not heed the warnings because much of their attention was focused on political battles, the 2012 reelection campaign and the push to win congressional support for a broad immigration overhaul that would have been made more difficult with the addition of a high-profile border crisis. Blatant and callous disregard for the American people, the laws of this nation and the responsibilities of his office by the President of the United States has created this humanitarian crisis. It is irresponsible for him to ask the American people to pay for his own dereliction of duty. And it is unconscionable that the leader of the free world would let the least among us be exploited and abused by the worst among us in his political games. This is not a game, Mr. President. And it is time that Congress and the American people tell him we are not playing. Brian Babin, Republican Nominee for Congress, Texas District 36 Woodville,TX
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:27:53 +0000

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