The Champions: Noxus, Demacia, Neutral Demacia: Lux - - TopicsExpress


The Champions: Noxus, Demacia, Neutral Demacia: Lux - Birthplace; prodigy from the College of Magic Garen - Birthplace; leader of the Dauntless Vanguard Jarvan IV - Birthplace; Demacian Crown Prince Shyvana - Residence; member of the Demacian Elite Guard Xin Zhao - Residence; steward of the Lightshield Dynasty Poppy - Residence; yordle emissary from Bandle City Vayne - Birthplace; renowned Demacian vigilante Fiora - Birthplace; elite sword fighter Galio - Birthplace; former guardian of Durand Sona - Residence; famed Demacian musician Noxus: Swain - Birthplace; Grand General of Noxus Darius - Birthplace; High Command general Sion - Birthplace; former Noxian field commander Urgot - Birthplace; former High Executioner of Noxus Talon - Birthplace; assassin under General Du Couteau Katarina - Birthplace; renowned Noxian assassin Cassiopia - Birthplace; former Noxian temptress Vladimir - Birthplace; Noxian hemomancer LeBlanc - Birthplace; Matron of the Black Rose Riven/(Exiled) - Birthplace; former Noxian poster child Draven - Birthplace; famed Noxian entertainer Zaun: Viktor - Birthplace; pioneer from the College of Techmaturgy Singed/(Noxus) - Birthplace; infamous Zaunite alchemist Warwick/(Noxus) - Birthplace; former Zaunite alchemist Twitch - rodent representative of Zaun Dr.Mundo/(Noxus) - Birthplace; infamous Zaunite scientist Urgot/(Noxus) - Reconstructed cyborg of Prof. Stanwick Pididly Piltover: Caitlyn - Birthplace; head Piltovian law enforcer Heimerdinger - Residence; founder of the Yordle Academy Corki - Residence; chief mechanic of Piltover Customs Janna - Indirect ally to Piltover; pilot of the Tailwind Ziggs - Residence; Dean of Demolitions Orianna - Birthplace; clockwork automaton of Corin Reveck Zilean - Design contributor for the Chrono-propeller engine Bilgewater: Fizz - Residence; Mischief Gangplank - Birthplace; Pirate Captain Graves - Birthplace; Conman Miss Fortune - Birthplace; Pirate catcher Nautilus - Site of emergence Void: Malzahar - Origin of powers Kassadin - Origin of powers ChoGath - Birthplace KogMaw - Birthplace Frejlord: Ashe - Birthplace; Queen of Freljord Sejuani - Birthplace; Princess of the Winters Claw tribe Volibear - Birthplace; chieftain of the Ursines Tryndamere - Residence; King of Freljord Nunu - Birthplace; League Emissary of Freljord Gragas - Residence; owner of the Avarosa Iceflow glacier Ionia: Master Yi - Birthplace; practitioner of the Wuju style Kennen - Residence; Kinkou shadow warrior Akali - Birthplace; Kinkou shadow warrior Shen - Birthplace; Kinkou shadow warrior Lee Sin - Birthplace; esteemed monk of the Shojin Monastery Ahri - Birthplace; White Fox of Southern Ionia Karma - Birthplace; Duchess of Ionia Varus - Birthplace; former Temple Guardian for the Pit of Pallas Udyr - Birthplace; student of the Hirana Monastery Soraka - Birthplace; cosmic spiritualist of Ionia Irelia - Birthplace; Captain of the Guard Sona - Probable birthplace; orphan Wukong - Trained in the art of Wuju by Master Yi Bandle City: Teemo - Birthplace; Scouts of the Mothership member Corki - Birthplace; ace pilot of the Screaming Yipsnakes Heimerdinger - Birthplace; renowned techmaturgist from Bandle City Poppy - Birthplace; emissary to Demacia Rumble - Birthplace; wayward mechanic from Bandle City Tristana - Birthplace; member of the Megling Commandos Ziggs - Birthplace; volatile experimenter from Bandle City Amumu - Probable birthplace Kennen - Birthplace Lulu - Birthplace; friend of the Glade fae Veigar - Birthplace; former trading organization member Howling Marsh: Karthus - Self-Appointed Overlord Kalamanda: Skarner - Site of emergence Zilean - Developed the temporal stasis bubble Plague Jungles: Rammus - Origin of powers Wukong - Birthplace Shadow Isles: Evelynn - Probable birthplace Hecarim - Probable birthplace Mordekaiser - Possible origin Yorick - Point of reawakening Voodoo Lands: Annie - Birthplace; tamed Tibbers, the shadow bear Twisted Treeline: Maokai - Birthplace Nocturne - Origin of physical appearance Lokfar: Olaf - Birthplace; Lokfarian conqueror Brand - Point of origin; possessing the body of Kegan Rodhe Shurima Desert: Amumu - Point of origin Ezreal - Origin of powers Malzahar - Birthplace Nasus - Residence Rammus - Birthplace Xerath - Birthplace; origin of powers Mount Targon: Leona - Birthplace; sun-warrior of the Solari tribe Pantheon - Birthplace; paragon of the Rakkor tribe Urtistan: Zilean - Birthplace Neutral: Trundle XD
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:01:45 +0000

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