The Democratic Party has become like two parties in one. With the - TopicsExpress


The Democratic Party has become like two parties in one. With the exception of members of the Progressive Caucus, the rest of them are like what we used to call moderate Republicans. This shift of values occurred way back in the 1980s, after the So Called Reagan Democrats went against the recommendations of their Union and voted Republican. Thats right, workers deserted Democrats, not the other way around. Reagan tricked them with that Aw Shucks shtick that the television cameras captured so well. The man had finally learned how to take direction. His director? Donald Regan, treasury secretary and then Chief of Staff to Reagan really controlled White House policy. Democratic Congresspersons, worried that they would lose all their seats, bought into this media hysteria that America had become a right-center leaning country. I never bought into that. I thought it was just propaganda, but it worked. Campaign finance reform that never materialized, would have prevented that. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of the United States, put the Kibosh on any chance of reforming our campaign finance problem. Senators and Congresspersons, Governors and State legislatures. County Commissioners and School Board Members can be bought. The Congress has become Theater. These Tea Party Fascists dont even have to craft their own legislation. Their Corporate masters do that for them. The Banking Modernization Act, relaxation of banking regulations in 1999. The Telecommunications Act of 1997. NAFTA. These three things set the stage for the march toward Fascism. The spread is global. How do you fight a war against a cancer on our souls? The money or greed, has driven commons sense off of a cliff. Capitalism, in its current form, Supply side economics, will topple our government and we will spend a thousand years as economic slaves to the Corporation People.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 10:44:27 +0000

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