The Empire Strikes P-NAP..... Well The Officers have once again - TopicsExpress


The Empire Strikes P-NAP..... Well The Officers have once again prevented P-NAP Programing (Prison Neighborhood arts project)at stateville, Our graduation was canceled - AGAIN! It is no secret that The P-NAP teachers & 15 guest including chicago alderman Walter Burnett were turned away because even though the administration & IDOC official approved our classes & graduation ceremony, the officers Union have relentlessly waged a campaign to get the P-NAP program Kicked out as well as the Restorative Justice program. The real Questions should be why? Why do officers not want stateville inmates to be in collage level classes? Why Harass these professors & teachers? why turn them away & or get them barred? The people volunteer their time Why would corrections officers not want us to have rehabilitation? I believe the answer is complex & simple. The easy explanation is more classes = more work every chow line officers get on the Mic & announce over the intercom the terrible meals we are having to persuade us to stay in our cells just before running chow out. The less places we go , the less work c/os have to do. that is the simple explanation The complex explanation is that this current system is about retribution, murderers, felons, etc. dont deserve anything .it sounds great until you think of all the prisoners who recieve no degrees or vocational education return to a neighborhood near you. IDOC has a recidivism of 75% in cook county. What corporation can have a 75% failure rate? but let us flip the script, Does my return to prison constantly & my ignorance & my failural ensure Job Security for correctional officers?-That would be absurd - Would it Not? I must be tweaking right? Well let me impart to you with a lil story- going to court a few years ago The head of the union here gleefully told me GOD DONT LIKE UGLY. We are going to california to help the correctional officers union stop california courts from striking down the 3 Strikes law- WhhhAAAT? ?!!! (yet the california prison system buckled under the weight of Mass incarceation) Can this failing system of mass incarceration actually benifiet & establish job security for this union - NO WAY! That would be AKIN to saying some people profit from our Nations perpetual state of war- ....What? some people do profit from war? it actually is called war profiteering? Did Not Know that ... any way Back to the matter at hard, There is a GED program here unionized with paid teachers. half the time over over half the teachers dont show up The classes are straight out of an 80s movie (dangerous minds) rapping tapping, talking, sleeping teachers, gang banging, bs-bs-bs- straight dysfunctional & no one cares, now lets flip the script again- North Eastern University & Depaul Professors come here for free & require us to read write & do college level work other colleges are vying to get in also - they are volunteers They care if inmate get education & rehabilitation, after all Education & Rehabilitation breaks the cycle of ignorance crime & recidivism. can this actually threaten c/os Job security? Do educated prisoners Not lash out violently? Do educated prisoners challenge conditions of confinement legally? Do educated prisoners try to educated their children & try to break the cycle of ignorance & poverty? Perhaps retributive Justice shall remain firmly entrenched Not for justice sake, but because the prison system is quite prosperous in its state of dysfuntionally Perhaps,The I did not come to work- to work mind state will never cede to the restorative Justice paradign Maybe it would be better shall we remain dregs, hoodlums, thugs, & fake gangstas, let our children be damned. let them follow our wretched ways & errant thought & fill more cages The US. has more prisoners than any where else in the world. we are 7% of the worlds population but have 25% of the worlds prisoners. Let freedom ring for those who can work xmas day & pull in 75$ per hour standing around doing nada at our glorious prison let inmates remain in their jail cells until the prisons are bursting at the seams no matter the cost let us Breath asbestos & Mold spores, Drink radioactive water & eat poisonous soy laced food until we are rife with cancer Let us Do all of this for the sake of profit, But dont you dare educate us or let in people who care. Give us this day our daily debilitations, with a side order of arrested development & crushing stagnation, let them prosper from my ignorance & incarceration Damned be Education & Rehabilitation long live recidivism, let them profit heavily from my criminalization It is the way of our Nation Man child in the Prison industrial complex American Prisoner & The Land of the FREE Peace!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:43:08 +0000

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