The End of Oppression - Part 1: The - TopicsExpress


The End of Oppression - Part 1: The Problem https://youtube/watch?v=T7cJFjyVLvk#t=31 As a German, I had to read so many books about how could this happen and what affect did it have on people... none of this is news. I was raised to question authority. If authority cannot prove itself it shall not be obeyed. Yet I was also taught, that you cannot criticize anyone without scratching your own nose first. If you are guilty of being prejudiced, or doing the wrong thing you have not earned the right to speak up or complain. Furthermore, there is only one person you can truely change in your life: yourself. Only by setting the best possible example you can hope for a better future for everyone. And to the how can it happen: hope is as bad a catalyst as fear. Hitler came to power because the Germans were suffering under the peace treaty signed after World War I. The inflation due to the repayments to the victorious countries, rendered the currency useless. You could not buy a loaf of bread for BILLIONS of Mark. My father still has notes from that era. BILLION dollar notes. Yet, you still had to hope for a voucher and to be lucky to be one of the first to line up and get some bread. So, what did Hitler do? He promised work for the unemployed, food for your families, a future worth living and by the end of day fighting for as well as REVENGE on those, who had taken that from us. And before he came to true power he did quite a lot of that: he built the Autobahn, he got unemployed people of the street if only to clean the gutters by picking up rubbish, he put food on the table for your famishing family. Before he really got started he first of all won the suffering people over on his side by improving the situation. He also published the book Mein Kampf which was such a bad written story, that even those who tried to read it, put it aside because it was just one of the worst books ever written. And the do as you told... how many times, even on this page have I read comments that say what do you expect? I cannot disobey orders or I will have to face punishment or loose my job.... Looking into history of men, as soon as you yourself have no other excuse, you should latest by then question WHY is this happening? Yet, the current government has learned something from history: they use propaganda even more efficiently than Hitler ever could. They use modern day technology that the STASI never had to make sure, that those who are not (yet) involved are too afraid to speak up, because they could be next. Yes, the government has learned from history, yet unfortunately has come to the wrong conclusions of what has a positive and what has a negative affect on society. The really sad thing is, deep inside, all of us already KNOW that. Yet, we choose to close our eyes, ears and mouths because it is easier. Im guilty of that, too. But... rather late than never I came to the conclusion, that I can use my voice and my knowledge to spread the word, donate and try to help.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 10:01:40 +0000

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