The Eye of Ra: Charles Darwin Understood. Someone Requested that I - TopicsExpress


The Eye of Ra: Charles Darwin Understood. Someone Requested that I speak about Charles Darwin today. Picture 1. Charles Darwin is someone who struggles with his emotions. He didnt know how to express his emotions so his work was his reason for not loving deeply. It wasnt his emotion he expressed outward it was his inner thinkings that he felt so much. He had an artist eye. The shape of his eye his smaller and slanted meaning he is naturally specific with things. His eye naturally sees and dissects things because he knows how to focus on things intensely with his ability to have a steady eye. He is more relaxed in his younger years. He explored within his imagination it was like he could go there and be here. He viewed the world quite fairly. He had a passive aggressive personality. At this age he is just beginning to dream. Picture 2. You can see the direct gaze that he has so he also projected his eyes and his visions of the world. He was a visionary. He had a great ability to time things. I mean he wanted things to be specific. He was becoming slightly critical in this picture. He has become quite bold as well. He was an emotional thinker. There are some people who express pure thought not feeling. Charles thoughts stemmed from how he viewed the world. He was aggressively bold now. He would have a thought and then he had to feel it out to see if things lined up. He could feel things out and then direct it with his imagination on paper. He was becoming intensely attached to his work and ideas. A lot of Ego here. If you look at picture 1 and picture 2. Notice the bushiness in the eyebrows. That is seen as Boldness or Aggression when the eyebrows grow thicker and it shows limited expression. In picture 1. He could express himself lightly in his views. The aggression is there but it is hidden. Picture 3. Charles is a man who has seen a lot and become wise, but it has paid its price. He has become rough around the edges. A part of his is not alive, but regret of what hasnt been truly felt. Charles had become more thoughtful in these times. He truly existed in his mind during these years. Notice the brow, now notice has on one side the muscle has collapses and then on his left side the brow is up and alert. These two indicators show me his energy at natural flux. So on the right side he has deep pain, its almost as if he doesnt want to feel because its too painful. On The left brow, there is mental stimulation an activity. He is very aware and thoughtful of what he has seen.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 03:25:23 +0000

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