The #Ferguson rebellion and ongoing protests and organizing are as - TopicsExpress


The #Ferguson rebellion and ongoing protests and organizing are as important an event as #OccupyWallSt. Ferguson has brought racism, class and police brutality -- all lived, tangible and systemic experiences - together. This articulation of struggle is significant, and if the moment becomes a movement it can bring empire and the 1% to their knees. Ferguson also affirms the shifts in the way we organize and struggle, and the visuality of our protests and street and media tactics. It shares many affinities with Occupy. Most importantly, Ferguson is about liberation and involves both resistance and building. For the rally on Saturday, #Breakaway folks returned from Ferguson angry and inspired. They are organizing their first rally - #Bedstuy2Ferguson - with the above thoughts in the mix. We are happy to support them and join in their struggle, because we know our struggles are connected and our liberation is collective or it is non-existent. We encourage people to throw down with folks in this struggle in New York City, beyond simply stop and frisk and beyond any particular person murdered by the police (there are so many names), and not at the expense of the direct work we are doing on #Palestine. Rather, we should approach this moment with the strategic vision that we can significantly alter the balance of power in favor of the oppressed here and worldwide if we strengthen our bonds among these two movements. Finally, know that when we stand with #Ferguson and fight where we are, we affirm our humanity, we tear down walls that separate the people and build power as we learn and grow. On Monday September 8 at 7pm at 520 Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn, we will have our weekly Direct Action Front for Palestine / NYC Solidarity with Palestine meeting. In addition to other items, we will discuss the above and hear brief report backs from folks who have returned from Ferguson so we can build our movement, broaden our connections and deepen our ties. A facebook event page will be put today to allow for more people to attend. #NYC2GAZA #NYC2Palesitne #NYC2Ferguson #Bedstuy2Ferguson
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 19:30:09 +0000

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