The Four Blind Guards to Life Today Politics, Religion, Education - TopicsExpress


The Four Blind Guards to Life Today Politics, Religion, Education and Wealth Life is like a mirror, once in a while you need to see your own reflection and do adjustments. It is the main stream, the progenitor of the four blind guards of today. It is the centre of why we all are, and why we existed. It is the grand master, architect of all beings. Before Sin and Righteousness came to be, life has been. So all others came because of life but have their contending spirit to thwart or influence life with its philosophies and make it suit their reasons and thoughts and power. Life is the helpless innate spirit in us, influence so much by the dictates of power, rules and laws, from nature to humans and even self. One such is political system, with her monstrous son call politics. Politics is term the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power. It is like the marshy, muddy mangrove swamps, gracious, adorable and fill with the beauty of natural course when viewed from far or from above, but beneath its is very like its wild creatures, wild dangerous and fearsome. I call it the soul; mind and maneuvering will of the Devil himself, it has been from time the deciding force to the dictates of life and thwart life to its very directions. Religion is term the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. It is like the back of the mirror today, standing much like the mirror but proving false to it. It has no reflections so to say rather than consuming the owner and washes away the realities of life. Its projects shadows of interpretations not of life but of the philosophies of the founders. Over the years it has ventured into the most dreadful enemy of life Politics, with the verge of eradicating the fearsome creatures so associated with it, but ends up being consumed by its deceitful and conning powers to fame and today their couples with politics being the husband, making and issuing rules and laws. Education is term as the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is the opium to freedom of thoughts, reasons and power, for the mind, soul and focus of life, came, but life was unable to afford it but politics did, not even religion could afford education from the first instance. But because of the marriage between politics and religion, Religion became second after politics. Politics got education for religion and set her philosophies and teachings and rules to undermine the intended powers of education. Politics thwarted the realm of education and reduced its contents to slavery instead of wisdom. As many started to sense the hash and crafty ways of politics, many exposed its dangers and manipulations. Her interpretations of humans dominating themselves to their own injury became the center of rights and who have it, have all. Religion tends to look at Christ and other positive sides of many of its founders. Education paved the way of reasons and unraveling the secret wicked ways of politics. Politics not to let go its domination, left religion and education and clicked to wealth. Wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions or money. Politics made wealth the centre of power, the advocator of the policies and adjudicator of law. Wealth gave back the wild beast of politics so injured by Religion and Education more powers and will than ever imagined. Today wealth speaks for politics; wealth controls the centre of power and directs the attention of existence. Today all surrenders to the wills of politics for wealth and direct all communications, messages, theories, laws and even life itself to suit politics. Today we see all Religions leaders and Educational leaders and even the positive philosophies of founders, maneuvered to suit the dictates of politics. Today’s survivals are in your ability to play politics, share the wealth and no one talks even when issues and life are going down the drain. Today to get a job, contracts, positions and even walk the streets free, you must oil the palms of the political advocator right on the table or you go to hell with your experience, knowledge and competence. To play politics you must learn to do the corruption of bribe in kind or in cash or even both. And after that if you fail your test, you lose your kindness and cash with no redress. The Devil is ever ready to win the battle. ‘Until you matter to yourself, your matter not to those around you’
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:55:43 +0000

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