The Games: Izai Amorim There are many people that will go more - TopicsExpress


The Games: Izai Amorim There are many people that will go more than just the extra mile to get what they want. Some will forge ahead at the expense of others and some will enlist the aid of another person in order to attain their goals even though their resources might be compromised, their wealth depleted by millions and the integrity shot. But, that won’t stop what is about to happen when two separate factions decide to go after the one goal: MONEY AND POWER. January 2013 is the setting. The character is the first president of the United States of Europe just five years old. Frenchman Claude Tegel wants to remain in his position as President but he needs to attain the German vote. So, what’s the snag in his plan? His allies will not support him unless he manages to do what some think is the impossible and win the support and bid to bring the 2021 Games to Berlin. With many countries coveting the same thing and hoping to snag the fames for their country only one woman can make this happen for Claude. Madeline Orly is smart, rich, cunning, conniving and dangerous. To him she’s the answer to his prayers. But, dragging her from her vacation does not endear her to his plan nor to him. But, knowing her past and what she did way back 20 years before in 1994, when Claude was just the mayor or Paris, Claude remembers how she managed to win the bid in order to get the 2001 Games there. But, can she work her magic one more time? Just how many millions in Euros will she get? But, this is only a fraction of the story because there is much more when we meet the CEO of GreenKraut, learn his objectives and understand that this company housed in Berlin, is the largest environmental protection organization in the U.S. E. CEO, Dr Hans von Adelsberg is ruthless. His target all of his competition. His method strong-arm them, blackmail, extortion, and threats. Taking down his opposition requires planning as a Green War to save the world from pollution just began. Global expansion is what he wants to achieve and hoping by getting involved in the bid for the games GreenKraut might win. Hans von Adelsberg is a frightening man with a hunger for power and money. Listening to him address the members of his company you begin to wonder just how brainwashed they are and why they go along with everything he wants to do. Focusing on destroying every other environmental company and bringing them to their financial knees is his first step in gaining permanent control of the environmental industry. Next, he needs to find a way to override anyone else that might bid on the 2021 Games and make sure that GreenKraut controls that too. Heavy payoffs, sponsorships that he creates in order to gain access to the funds of the other companies von Adelsberg along with his finance and intelligence officers strike hard. But, there are many others that are not happy with Berlin’s bid for the games and Graham Gatwick is another player. The owner of a broadcasting company called Liberty International Broadcasting League, Inc., or shortened to LIBL-TV, he wants London to win the bid. If this happens he will gain power and gain a large amount of the decision making over the games and have exclusive broadcasting rights. Imagine having this influence over 300 million English-speaking people worldwide and be able to influence so many. So, Gatwick will put out the stops to get the games in London. But, like any political campaign that we hear about or read about some play dirty. In order to get what he wants he will have to create a smear campaign targeted at Berlin. Introducing Eliza Heathrow a once powerful young American journalist living in Berlin. Lacking self-confidence and motivation she is taken in by someone called the plumber or claims to want to help her jumpstart her career. In order to accomplish his goals and pretend to want her to succeed the plumber wines and dines her and presents her with a camera explaining it is her job to provide a damaging story for LIBL-TV that no one else has and they just might need and buy from her. With his encouragement she succeeds and is hired by LIBL-TV to report from “Berlin, the War Zone.” But, just who is the plumber and what is his agenda. The author creates a special dialogue between the reader and the narrator as each character’s actions often result in some negative reaction that is inflicted on them or someone else. The author explains that Eliza does not know that he is really not a plumber and goes on the tell the reader he is using her and many others to make sure that Berlin loses the bid for the games. But, there is more as we get to know Rainer-Werner Sprengberg a used to be terrorist on parole who has his own agenda. Befriending a woman named Marianne Wissenberg, having no interest in the games at all and going around Berlin taking pictures of lace curtains you have to learn why for yourself, this man has his own agenda in mind. Marianne is a young historian that is doing research on terrorism. Hoping to complete her project she enlists Rainer’s aid to create the Atomic Outcasts a made up terrorist group that sends out messages to the public that if the city of Berlin does not rescind its bid for the Games, an atomic bomb will help all life there. Why would anyone create a phony terrorist group? The Atomic Outcasts: if Berlin does not drop its bid for the Games: KaBoom! But, there is much more another man named Ismail created another terrorist group using guns, terrorist tactics and real people. They hope to enlist Rainer’s help too. If Berlin gets the bid it will unite the people living there. But, all sides have their own agenda, backstabbing, murders, double crossings and games more deadly than you can imagine as things fire up, people are killed, blame is thrown around and in the center of it all is GreenKraut. Berlin will be destroyed: June 21, 2013. GreenKraut wants to control all of the environmental organizations at any cost. Interviewing on television leads to a controversy between the interviewer and Hans Von Adelsberg. Creating news that they want people to see. Networks broadcasting what they want people to believe, major sports events controlled by politicians, a Mayor whose idea of handling a delicate situation is to blame it on another political party and hand over the mike to the police chief. Lies, deceits, cover-ups, betrayals, corruption and conspiracies are just the tip of the iceberg in this novel Listening to Von Adlesberg and those on his team it is frightening to think that they have so much power to take over so many businesses, create lies and manipulate the public. Listening to Ismail Kahnahkah we learn more about the Ali Dreckmull Liberation Army that has been cast aside and is trying to relate information that the media has lied about. Calling the city of Berlin a War Zone is an understatement. Wanting their voice to be heard they contact Eliza and ask to be interviewed on LIBL-TV. But although she does the interview in a professional manner the way it is aired will be something quite different as Ismail and his organization are cast as the villains and not the victims. Read the interview on pages 292-294 and learn more. Although born in the USE he and others are not considered citizens and hoping to receive moral support for their group and others he hopes pressure will be put on the government and more people will not be ted. Will the games be held in Berlin in June? Will the French President get reelected? Will he get the German vote? Will he get the games brought to Berlin? Just how far will GreenKraut go to obtain its goals? What about their hold on the Games? Will anyone stop von Adelsberg from taking over all the competition? Will he succeed in his ideas for global expansion? Just how many lives will be lost? Who else is expendable according to Adelsberg? The Green War: Who are the players? Who are the winners and who are the victims of Greed? This is all about how we relay our thoughts, information, and perceptions about others, the way and ourselves we deal with power. Green Kraut seems to feel they are immune to the laws, mores and rules set for others. Appearing to be above or immune to the rules of accountability that others have and creating a power play that strong arms, blackmails and disarms any that stands in their way. Everyone needs to be held accountable. What the author portrays is frightening and would create a power structure that would take away our freedoms and lead to a totalitarian government and society. An ending quite explosive and surprises that you might not expect as the city of Berlin just might explode but why? Who is behind the demise of this city? What about Green Kraut and its Global expansion? What is next for the USE and how many people will fall prey to the threats, blackmail and economic bribery of one dangerous man? How many other cities will fall? What about the Green Games? What’s next? Only author Izai Amorim knows the answer when he pens Book Two of The Games. What about all of the beautiful pictures of the Lace Curtains? You won’t believe what happens to them? Games: We all play them: Governments, organizations, people, athletes, heads of state, law enforcement big corporations: Each playing for profit, greed or power. Games: You decide the winners and losers within this complex novel. As you learn the final fate of some others still need to be decided. Fran Lewis: Reviewer
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:27:42 +0000

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